3. 🎨

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Liam was setting up the easel when he noticed Zayn fiddling with a ring.

"Special someone?"


Liam was putting all his brushes in a cup and he turned to Zayn "Special someone in your life?"

Zayn shook his head "Not... really?"

Liam raised an eyebrow "That's confusing... sorry I-"

"No no, it's alright. I get asked about it a lot"

Liam nodded putting the stool right in front of the window, he took a few steps back and nodded for Zayn to sit down. Once he did, Liam walked towards the easel and put the canvas on it. He then turned to Zayn who was looking down at his hands

"Sit comfortably, you don't have to sit straight up"

Liam heard Zayn chuckle and mumbled 'What do I know about being straight?' Before he turned to Liam and nodded.

A small smile came on Liam's face before he shook his head and pulled the pencil from behind his ear


Once the sun had fully set and the room turned dark, Zayn stood up

"There aren't any lights... or anything electrical in the room"


Zayn shrugged "I usually come here to escape, even wifi connection doesn't reach in... I never bring my phone in here."

Liam nodded "So... we are done for now?"

Zayn shrugged "I can get candles. I don't have torches"

Liam smiled and shook his head "It's alright"

Zayn stretched and walked towards the door and opened it, immediately light came into the room and Liam followed him out

Liam bit down on his bottom lip and then broke one of his rules, to never divulge into his clients' lives

"I have a question?"

Zayn nodded walking towards the kitchen "Go ahead"

Liam asked "Why do you live alone?"

"I prefer it this way, people just... seem to ruin everything for me. I prefer to be away from them"

"Not that I am just like them, but how do you know I'm different?"

Zayn started taking ingredients out "Everyone you've ever worked for said good things about you... plus your art is amazing" Zayn shrugged "Double thumbs up for me" he turned to Liam "Do you want me to make you anything?"

"What... are you making?"

"Chicken- I don't know but something with chicken"

Liam laughed softly and nodded "I'll take a plate"


"Do you hate me?"

"No, I just don't like hearing you talk"

Liam frowned and hugged himself then nodded "Great..." he mumbled leaning against a wall

"Hurt your feelings?" Liam stayed quiet while leaning against the wall "What? Now you're gonna stop talking?" Liam stayed quiet while looking at the door "Did... I hurt your feelings?"

Liam stayed quiet and hugged himself tighter "How much time is left?"

"About 3 minutes" Liam nodded, keeping his eyes on the door "Hey... I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Doesn't matter." Liam mumbled and after 3 minutes a ring was heard and he stood up and dusted himself off, he was about to open the door and walk out when his arm was grabbed and he was pulled back

He was about to fight back when lips crashed down on his

Liam blinked himself awake. He yawned and sat up, he stayed in bed for a few minutes. He saw the sun start to peek in from the window and he stood up. The wood felt cold against his feet and he stretched before he walked towards the curtains and opened them

The sun had just started to rise and Liam didn't think any view could be as beautiful as it is now. He didn't want to take his eyes off the sunrise when someone caught his eye.

Zayn was standing by a tree, fiddling with the ring on his finger, while he spoke softly. Liam noticed how he never takes it off, even while he washed his hands, and even while he cooked, Zayn never once took it off.

Liam then decided to let Zayn have his privacy and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day.


Zayn mostly let Liam mind his own business, he only asks Liam if he needed anything, or reads the same book from the day before

Eventually, they went back into the room, Liam painted a faint layer of clear pain over the background he drew. He then started to draw Zayn, the man himself is a masterpiece, Liam needed to make sure everything is correct, from every hair to every eyelash to the shape of his nose to the shape of his eyes

"Why do you like art so much?" Liam asked before he put the pencil behind his ear

"I... used to be an artist"

Liam raised an eyebrow "Really? Yet you have no art around here?"

"I lost my touch with art"

Liam stopped what he was doing and looked at Zayn -who was once again fiddling with his ring- "What made that happen?"

The frown was evident this time, Zayn didn't even try to hide it with a smile like he usually did, Zayn took a deep breath and looked at Liam

"I lost touch with my muse"

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