15. 🎨

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"I want to tell you... Something funny I just remembered"

Liam ran his fingers through Zayn's hair and nodded "ok?"

"After our wedding, we were supposed to head straight to the airport for our honeymoon when you stopped me and said 'WAIT. There was always something I wanted to do after weddings and what better wedding to do it after than mine?' And I told you 'Liam we need to get to the airport' but you insisted"

"What did I want to do?"



They both laughed when they heard cheers from the other side

"Anyway, to the important stuff, I'd like-" Liam started

"1 10 nuggets meal Piece please!" Zayn finished

Liam smiled "You know me so well!"

"Mcflurry too, please! Oreo!" He said then looked at Liam with a joking tone and said "McDonald's is more important than us being married?"

"I'm so glad I married you" Liam said with a smile and Zayn chuckled, shaking his head "Probably the best after-wedding snack ever!"

Liam smiled "My obsession with their nuggets never changed"

Zayn chuckled and nodded "It never ha- are you braiding my hair?"

Liam stopped "Maybe..."

"What's your obsession with braiding my hair?"

"I just feel like it'll look good! Let me braid it!"

Zayn said and sat on the floor between Liam's legs "Go ahead"

Liam clapped before he kissed Zayn's cheek, he held his laughter back when Zayn's cheek turned into a light shade of pink

"Awww. Zaynie is blushing!"

"Oh, hush! Just get started"


Liam walked out of Zayn's bedroom and towards the kitchen. His eyebrows shot up when he saw bags of groceries filling the kitchen

"You went and got groceries?"

"Not really. You set up this plan, between us and a grocery store, we'd meet them halfway and get the groceries the rest of the way"

Liam slowly nodded "You haven't brought anyone here?"

"Your parents have been here, my grandmother has been here-"

"I meant after the accident"

"One person... I brought them here to help me out with the groceries after not living here for a long time"

"You stopped living here?"

"It's kinda hard to live in a place you and your husband were supposed to live in on your own"

"You don't-"

"Nic called me"


"She asked when you'll be back living with everyone else... back to your life"

"What... Did you tell her?"

"I told her that's your choice to make" he said throwing away the last paper bag he had

"What if I don't want to leave?"

"I doubt you'd want to stay"

"I stayed once!"

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