16. 🎨🛫

489 55 104

2 years later...

"Good job Malik"

Zayn smiled and nodded "Thanks"

"We are all going out, wanna join?"

Zayn looked at the clock on the wall then at his boss "Nah, it's already 10 and I won't reach home before one... I have to be out of the house at 6 to reach here at 9"

"Take care on the road Malik"

"You too!" Zayn said walking out the door and towards his car


Zayn parked out of the cabin and sighed, he ran his fingers through his hair before he got out. He locked the car before he walked into the cabin. He went straight to his bedroom and fell on the bed

He spent the whole day running and his body hurt. He got off of the bed and walked towards the bathroom, He Showered quickly feeling relaxed. He closed his eyes and sighed

After his shower, he put his clothes on and went to bed, after a long day with people. All he needed was to lay in his bed alone


"MALIK!" Zayn turned towards his boss and nodded "Someone's here for ya"

"Send them in" he mumbled looking through a file

"You and your obsession with your job"

Zayn's eyes widened and he looked towards his door, he stood up walked towards Liam, and hugged him tightly. Liam laughed hugging him back

"Took you long enough" Zayn mumbled pulling away and then kissing Liam's temple

"You told me I need to find myself before I find you again... and I did"

Zayn looked towards his boss "Mind if I take my break?"

"Go ahead."

Zayn took Liam into his office and closed the door, They both sat down and Zayn kissed his cheek. Liam pulled his (Zayn's) face and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck and smiled

"How did you know I'd be here?"

"There was this video thing that came on TV that happened here, I saw you in the background!"

Zayn chuckled "Wide bright eyes"

Liam smiled, he then pulled the journal out of his pocket... and hit Zayn with it


"How did you smuggle the envelope into my car?!"

Zayn laughed "I hugged you and threw you into your car"

"£150 REALLY!!"

Zayn shrugged "Estimation"

Liam rolled his eyes and shook his head "You're an idiot"

Zayn rolled his eyes "Well you didn't send any divorce papers did ya!"

Liam smiled "That's what I wanted to talk to you about..."

The smile on Zayn's face fell "What...?"

"You REALLY should've read this" Liam said showing Zayn the journal

"I didn't want to invade your privacy..." he mumbled and Liam nodded

Liam gave him the journal "Read the last page... the one dated before the accident" Liam said resting his elbows on his knees

"Are you sure?"

Liam nodded, Zayn took a deep breath and nodded. He opened the journal's last few pages and started to read.

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