Part 2

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A/n- some things haven't and won't happen in this story like Maxine's abuse won't happen and Patrick and Maxine are together. The fall of sienna won't happen because I want her to be liked and work at the dog. Anyway I hope you like and I'm going to stop boring you now and get on with writing.

Kacey stood outside the dog she could hear her 2 year old brother crying. "Nancy's useless I'll have to look after him."she thought to her self before running up stairs and grabbing Oscar and he's things. It was 9 o'clock and way past both of their bed times.
Kirsten and Hannah sat on the sofa watching their mum sing while doing the washing up. "Kill me now."Kirsten whispered. "Come on girls dance."DIENNA said pulling the girls up and making them twist and turn. Sienna looked out of the corner off her eye she could see Kacey walking alone.
Maxine sat in Emily's bedroom "night sweetie."she said kissing Emily on the head. "Night uncle patrick."Emily called and patrick said good night back. "Max come here."Sienna called from the living room. "I broke a plate."Karen said as Maxine entered. "Whoopsie."patrick said he was in a good mood for once.
Jess sat hugging a teddy her father had given to her before he set off to join the army. Jess begged him not to but he said it was his duty. "Hey."peri's said entering her 11 year old sisters bedroom. "It's your dads birthday today isn't it."peri said pitifully and Jess nodded she didn't like peri much but she could be nice some times and it looked like this was one of them. "Let's watch a film."peri said hugging her sister.
Kacey walked into the village she entered price slice and brought a bottle of milk for Oscar. She then left and went and sat in the ally Oscar sat in her lap playing on her iPad. Sienna excited the flat she walked passed the ally and saw Kacey sitting there. "Hey what you doing Kacey, come with me we'll get you something to eat."Sienna said but Kacey said their hugging Oscar tightly. "Come on I work for your dad you don't need to be scared."Sienna said holding out her hand Kacey grabbed it.
Emily heard kacey's voice and jumped out of bed. "Can she stay tonight pleeeeese. She can share my bed."Emily pleaded. "Alright fine. I'll look after Oscar and take them back Tomorrow I've got a early shift."Sienna said and the girls ran off arm in arm. "Hey Darren I've got Oscar and Kacey I'll keep them tonight so you and Nancy can sort things out."Sienna said on the phone and Darren agreed.

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