Chapter 1

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"Helloooo, hello?" "Scarlett!" I jump in my chair a bit. "Holy shit! I am listening Mavis!" I giggle. I do that a lot, disassociate. Mavis my best friend, she's gotten use to it. "Holy fuck, chats wild today! Hello to you too chat!" I do the giggle that i can't stand, no one notices it besides me. I still hate so fucking much. "Scarlett, oh my god. This build is gorgeous!" "Thanks Mavis i tried making it as textured as possible!" Mavis adores my builds, I like to build them for her to make her happy. The cute little smile she does when she sees the finished product is priceless. Today i built a cabin in the woods, i wanted everything to look as if it was swirling from room to room like nature."Really Scarlett you make these gorgeous builds and i don't do shit! Your amazing!"
"I love you to sister from another mister :)". She sprints through my build to see everything in it. I look over to see the time. "Oh no! It's getting quite late, Unfortunately i have to end stream here!". "Bye Scarlett! TTYL!" "Bye everyone! I love all you and hope to see you soon! Byee!" I shut my computer down and walk over to my bed. When i shut off the light, the moonlight pours onto my room from my window. Staining it with a silver glow.  I pick up my phone. 12:30 am. Better then 4:00 am, progress is progress. I need to check Twitter

              ogwilbursoot: Ayo @scarlettdoesnotexist busy building again?
                      scarlettdoesnotexist: @ogwilbursoot you didn't watch the stream wow #brocken<\3
    TommyInnit: @scarlettdoesnotexist stay #brocken
  scarlettdoesnotexist: @TommyInnit aren't you up past your bed time?😭

I'm in the Dream SMP, they all are really cool,funny, and nice(at times). I put my phone away and turn in my bed. I wrap my comfort blanket around me and fall asleep.

9:30 am
I wake up to the sound of Wilbur face timing me. "What the fuck is- ohh" i press the green button. "Yo the fuck you want you woke me up." I groan. "That's no way to greet your best friend is it now?" He laughs" I let a smile seep through. "There she is! The happy Scarlett!". "Yeah, yeah, i gotta go shower though" i mutter. "Without me?", "One way ticket to being blocked Mr. soot, but since your my friend you get a strike" I almost laugh but i stop myself. I cannot hear my ugly ass laugh right now. "Alright, We're streaming at my place tonight though, so don't be late." , "Will do". I end call. Wilbur and I got along as soon as i joined almost a year ago. I have known him for a year. Were pretty close. He's the flirty type of funny, you know he doesn't mean it, which is kind of comforting seeing as he uses year 8 guy's flirting skills.
I walk across my bed room to my bath room and turn on the light. It's blinds me for a second i squint very hard, and open them again. I undress and hop in the shower.
   Several hours  later
Now im ready, i think my outfit is quite nice

    Several hours  laterNow im ready, i think my outfit is quite nice

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Ok a bit basic maybe. I stare into the mirror. I thought i looked ok. It's getting to me again, I can't shut it off? Why does my face and body look like that. Im so tired of looking at myself. It's fine, I already changed. I hope no one notices how i look.  Why can't i just be normal.  I really don't want or need anything to eat. I live alone now, so no one can make me eat. I think for now I'll just watch Netflix until it's time to go to Wilbur's..

8:30 pm
It's time to go to his house. I grab my keys and exit out of the pent house.
"It's cold as shit." I mutter to myself. I am not complaining though. I have grown a love for the cold, something about it makes me feel euphoric. The street lamps glow at each post. After about 10 minutes I arrive. Time to smile,I don't want to disappoint such a good friend. I knock gently at the door. He immediately opens it. "Hi Will!"
"Hi Scarlett! Come in you must be freezing!" I step inside and give him a brief hug. We walk to his set up. "Here you can sit in my extra gaming chair!" He says with a smile.
I smile back and sit down. He begins stream. "Hi everyone! Today i have with me, Scarlett Aspen!" He points to me. "Hi everyone!". "Scarlett is here to help me and the guys build!".  I hear Tommy's voice. "YOU NEED A WOMANS HELP?". "Shh the adults are talking Tommy " I snicker. Wilbur does his cute little giggle and I start building. "Holy shit, you build fast." Wilbur mutters.  "What can I say I'm a natural" I say sarcastically.  I see him blush beside me through the face cam. He's pretty, i don't know how to describe it. He's just really really pretty.  Not just his appearance, while he is attractive his personality is also really pretty. He's easy to talk to. "Some one has gone red" i laugh. Thank goodness it wasn't my annoying one. "WHERE? I DONT SEE IT!" He turns away. I laugh again.  "Simp" that's dream. He's also quite funny, a bit of a jerk sometimes but who isn't.

2 Hours later
We ended the stream and said good bye to the guys. I peer out the window. "Will look at the stars!" I tell him. I grab his hand, he blushes. I drag him on the balcony. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" He says. "I always hear that Will, what does it mean?". He smiles sadly, "nothing Scarlett... totally nothing" he laughs awkwardly. I try to smile. "Will i have to go it's getting late :(" i mutter. "Let me walk you home!" He says. 

The whole walk he looked as if something was on the tip of his tongue.   "Will is there something on your mind?"  I grab his hands, "you can tell me." "It's nothing S," he said with a sad smile. We finally arrive at my house. I give him a hug and walk inside. When i walk inside I leave the lights off. Being in the dark helps me. I know no one can see me. I can cry, smile, think.  What does he mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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