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San put his phone on the table in front of them and looked at Wooyoung. "San, i am sorry. I have no idea why i did that but i just couldnt hold it back i guess...I just knew that i couldnt hold me back any longer if i go too close to you. Please lets forget this, this never happened. I am so ashamed and i hope you arent even more mad at me now." said wooyoung without a break and left the house with San going after him to the door. "Wooyoung please hold up, i have to tell you something!" But wooyoung already ran away far enough. San was speechless but couldnt hold back a smile when he entered the house again. "He did it... he.. kissed me.. we kissed.." repeat san many times and went back to the living room on the couch, he laid down and closed his eyes trying  to progress what just happened some little minutes ago. 

Wooyoung on the other Hand was totally shocked by himself. "Why did i do that?" "I am so dumb.." "i cant look at him in the eyes anymore" kept wooyoung saying. Wooyoung licked his lips and put a finger on it. "I really did it..how did i survive that? His lips were soft.. " Thought wooyoung, still not being able to progress what he did.  He grabbed his key as he stood in front of the door and opened the door just to go to his room, no one of the parents was around since they both work and wooyoung came home quite early. He threw his backpack in the corner of the room and instantly fell on his Bed. "What a day.." said wooyoung. As he closed his eyes, He saw San standing there and instantly looked at his Lips. Wooyoung got starlted and opened his eyes fast "What am i thinking about? Am i crazy?".
The boy shook his head and laid down there, just trying to figure out, what he did and why san makes him basically obssesed. Right then, he recieved a message.


Wooyoung, everything is fine.

Wooyoung suddenly started to blush as he read the message from san but he was too embarassed, he didnt even answer because he was so embarassed. "Why is he writing now? What came into his mind, is he crazy?" Asked Wooyoung himself. 
He really is confused now exept being embarassed too "what should i do? I cant look into his eyes anymore.. just thinking about him makes me insane.. Can i kill myself? Is it allowed? I will have to ignore him.. i dont want to look at him after i did something this embarassing.. but why did it feel good to have his Lips on mine? Why was my Stomach dancing like that..why did it feel so good? Probably because im lonely.." answered Wooyoung his own question. After thinking a lot, wooyoung decided for one thing when he goes to school again: Run from San.  
People might call him childish because of it but he really didnt want to look San in the eyes because he knew, looking into San's eyes makes him feel even more embarassed. He really had no idea where the courage to kiss San came from but he for sure knew, that it felt too great for it just being a kiss. He couldnt deny anymore, no matter how much he wishes that it wouldn't be like that, he knew he couldn't run away any further, he couldn't run away. After all the thinking, he still decides to run away from San and just not to get into San's way, as good as possible. Even though they have classes together, he wants to stare as less as possible. But the question is if he will be able to keep his word and run from san or just hide himself from San. He knew damn well, that San is that kind of person who wants to talk things out that bother him.

Wooyoung was staring on the message and saw that San is still online, meaning he was waiting for a reply, so Wooyoung ignored the message and went offline. He laid in Bed and tried his best , to forget whatever just happened but his happy feelings he feels right now, were stopping him.

Another one...Thank you for 3k Reads already.. its a huge number for me.. thank you so much.. you have no idea, how much this means to me.. 

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