Chapter 8

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For a moment, the cameras held on Katsuki's downcast face as what he said sank in. (M/N) stared at the screen for a moment, before a look of shock and surprise made its way onto his face. Wait, he means me! (M/N) thought to himself. He could feel a mix of emotions starting to boil up inside him.

"Well that's bad luck," Toshinori stated, and there was a real edge of pain in his voice. The crowd of citizens murmured in agreement.

"Yeah, I know," Katsuki said in a soft tone.

"Well, I don't think anyone can blame you, with how amazing he is, it would be hard not to fall for the young man," Toshinori encouraged. "He didn't know?"

Katsuki shook his head. "Not until now."

(M/N) continued to stare at the screen, by this point he had fully grasped the situation. Allowing time for his conflicting feelings to sort themselves out. Now there was only one singular emotion clouding his mind.

"Wouldn't you love to pull him back out here to get a response?" Toshinori asked the audience. To which they yelled in agreement. "Sadly, rules are rules, and (M/N)'s time has been spent. Well best of luck to you, Katsuki Bakugou, and I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours."

The roar of the crowd was deafening. Katsuki had completely wiped the stage with his confession. The anthem played as Katsuki removed himself from the crowd's view, and the rest of the tributes began to head back to their living quarters. 

(M/N) didn't get a chance to see Katsuki until he made it back to their floor. Once the said boy emerged from the elevator, (M/N) slammed his hands into his chest. Causing Katsuki to lose his balance and go crashing into a glass vase situated next to the entrance. The vase shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces, digging into Katsuki's palms as blood immediately began to flow from his hands.

"Shit!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"What the HELL was that?! You ignore me and then say you have a crush on me?! Is this some sort of game to you?!" (M/N) shouted as he tried to swing his fist at Katsuki, only to be pulled back by two muscular arms. Looking behind him, he was met with Keigo's disapproving eyes. He was so pissed at the blonde he didn't realise the elevator doors had opened, allowing Keigo, Rumi, Emi and Shota to witness the situation at hand.

"What are you doing?" Turning back to face forward, (M/N) saw Shota staring at him while he helped Katsuki off the floor.

"This was your idea, wasn't it? Turning me into a fool in front of the entire country!" (M/N) shouted, redirecting his anger towards Shota as he freed himself from Keigo's grasp.

"No, it was my idea," Katsuki said as he pulled glass shards out of his hand. "Shota just helped me with it."

"Yeah, Shota's very helpful. To you!" (M/N) snapped.

"You are an idiot," Shota groaned. "Do you think he hurt you? Katsuki just gave you something you could never achieve on your own."

"He made me look weak!" (M/N) said.

"He made you look desirable! And let's be honest; you need all the help you can get in that department. You were about as romantic as dirt until he said he wanted you. Now they all do. You're all they're talking about. The star-crossed lovers from District 12," Shota said.

"We are not star-crossed lovers!" (M/N) said with disgust.

Shota grabbed his shoulders and pushed him against the wall. "Who cares? It's a television show. Being in love with that boy might just get you sponsors, which could save your damn life."

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