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You walked down the hallway slowly, paying much more attention to the door signs. You took in your surroundings, the place was very pretty to be a school. But that could be the results of it being a private school. 

You hummed to yourself as you reached a slimmer hallway, most likely a one way with you not knowing which way is the right way. 

The pain in your shoulder made an appearance once again. It was daunting. Like a reminder that you needed improvement. You may not aim to be a hero but you sure as hell wasn't going to be defenceless, you grew up too strictly for that.

You continued down the narrow hallway before making a right silently hoping you wouldn't have to turn around and go the other way. Sadly luck wasn't on your side and you did, the letters down there only strayed further from A and closer to M.

You found 3-A with little to no trouble and knocked on the door. The voices quieted down before the door opened revealing a man in his early 30's. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of you before going back to normal.

"You've healed well" he said as he scanned your body up in down. A small burn mark about the size of you hand lied near your collarbone and your shoulder injury adorned your skin otherwise than that you were basically back to normal.

"Yeah... is this class 3-A?" you asked.

"It is. Come in" he answered as he opened the door wider to let you in. You walked into the class looking at the students you knew. The students you call friends, look at you with nothing but relief.

Midoriya was the first to react and pull you into a bone crushing hug.

"You're... You're safe" he breathed out. He had nothing but you on his mind for the past few days that you've been in the nurses office. He couldn't stop thinking that one day your heart could stop beating while you lied there with nobody by your side.

 "You saved me." you said returning the hug with just as much strength. Your shoulder was in horrible pain but you brushed it off, you need this. He need this.

The class watched as you hugged Midoriya feeling a little left out. Sure he was the one who found you but they went to search too. Bakugo got tired of you giving Deku attention and started walking towards you and the freckled boy.

He pushed Midoriya aside and attached himself to you. He need confirmation that you were real. That you were here and alive.

"Fucking idiot. You're here" he sighed in relief when you wrapped your arms around his torso. You were holding on to him just as much as he was holding on to you and he loved every second of it. However that was ruined when the whole class decided to be apart of the hug.

Shouts of "YOU'RE ALIVE" "I MISSED YOU" "please never leave again" "you had me scared to death" and so much more could be heard from outside the classrooms door.

When you all sepreated a certain purple haired male took it in his hands to give you your own special hug from him.

"Glad to have you back" he spoke softly into your shoulder that if you weren't leaning your head on his you would have never heard him. You nestled your face further in his purple curls.

"Glad to be back."

12K+ readers?! Yall want a kiss or sum cause like... WOAH
This book was nothing but something I started when I was bored but seeing people read and enjoy this book makes it so much more than that.

Ily losers ig. <3

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