Chapter One: Origins and Solitude

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     There are many types of people in the world. Some people are kind, caring, and sympathetic, while others are cruel, unjust, and despicable. Some forgive, and others take revenge. Some share the world's gifts, and others are greedy, keeping it for themselves. Based on these traits, among many more, some people are nothing more than monstrosities. In that case, many monsters plague the world.

     In years gone by, on a full moon, a ray of moonlight shined from the heavens. And from this ray of light, a magical, uranian blue flower bloomed. This flower possessed the power to heal the injured, cure the sick, and extend life. And, of course, the flower ended up being discovered. One such person, a powerful mage known as All for One, hoarded the plant's gift. Hundreds of years had passed, and a kingdom had established quickly. He kept himself alive all that time until the Nana Shimura era. That was when he stole the power of life preservation from another and battled the famous hero, All Might.

     During this battle, both men suffered critical injuries, and All for One retreated. He was left missing his eyes, nose, ears, bald, and heavily scarred. With the aid of a Search and Infrared power he'd stolen, All for One used the flower's magic to heal his injuries. Thus, returning him to his most potent stage. For the flower to unleash its magic, one must sing a specific song that depicts its uses.

     And for the next few decades, All for One used the flower to preserve himself. After Nana Shimura passed away, her son, Kotaro, became King. Soon enough, he married a woman named Nao and had a daughter, Hana. The Royal Shimura family was beloved by the kingdom for generations, and later, King Kotaro and Queen Nao had conceived their second child. During her final weeks of pregnancy, Queen Nao fell immensely ill. Doctors had said that she hadn't much time left, so the guards and townspeople set off to find the legendary blue flower.

     After hours and hours of searching, the flower had been finally found and carefully dug up by guards. All for One witnessed this and secretly followed the people back to the kingdom. Herbalists and cooks used the flower's petals to make a medicinal soup for the Queen, to which she drank. The magic of the flower cured her, and in the following weeks, Queen Nao successfully gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy. The King and Queen named their son Tenko Shimura. And in honor of their son's birth, King Kotaro and Queen Nao lit a flying lantern into the sky.

     Strangely enough, despite being born with black hair, as Tenko grew up, his hair slowly changed into the same blue color as the flower. At age five, his tips were now blue. Like his parents and sister, everyone in the kingdom loved him and he was close friends with the eldest son of a powerful noble family. No one could ask for more of a perfect life. But unfortunately, not everything lasts as long as we may want it to last.

     On this dreaded night, tragedy struck when All for One attacked the castle. He used the Search and Infrared powers to select his victims and slaughtered many guards, servants, and cooks. Screams of terror and agony echoed the halls, along with crashes of furniture, glass shattering, blood spilling, and bodies falling to the floor. Tenko, terrified, hid under his bed. Once the castle was silent, he anxiously crawled out from his hiding spot and roamed the halls looking for his parents and sister, crying and petrified. But to his horror, Tenko found the bodies of his mother, father, and sister. Horrified, Tenko let out an ear-piercing wail and sank to the floor.

     He sobbed uncontrollably and didn't hear the barking and whining coming from his pet corgi, Mon. Tenko only snapped out of his sorrow when he felt the embrace of someone. He looked up and saw a hooded figure. He couldn't see the figure's features well and assumed it was because of the dark and tears in his eyes. But in actuality, it was because the figure had no face. It was All for One who held the crying boy. All for One picked up the boy, stroking his hair, rubbing his back, and comforting him. He told Tenko he was there to save him from the same people who supposedly killed his family, and he'd take him somewhere else safe.

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