Chapter Four: I've Got a Dream

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     "Dabi! Are we almost there yet? I'm starving!" Tomura whined, wrapping his arms around his midsection. "Yes, you big baby. It's right around this corner," Dabi replied. And like he said, the two turned the corner and saw a small diner. It was next to a large oak tree, and a couple of horses grazed on the grass outside.

     "'Magne's Diner?'" Tomura questioned. "Yep, it's a nice, quaint place. Perfect for a guy of your delicacy. We can't have you running home with your tail between your legs, can we?" Dabi said. "Hm. Ooh! Look! They've got a special on spicy food and dessert!" Tomura gasped, looking at the chalkboard sign hungrily. Dabi chuckled.

     "Magne! Table for two!" Dabi barked, barging into the diner with Tomura by his side. An immediate panic entered Tomura's body seeing the people dining. There were thugs of various sizes, wearing all sorts of leather and metal clothing. Tomura looked from left to right anxiously as Dabi coursed them through the hall.

     He held out his frying pan in defense as Dabi put his hands on his shoulders and leaned into his ears. "Smell all that goodness? Take a deep breath through the nose. It smells like a man's smell, but I'm picking up a scent of freshness in the mix. I can't tell you why, but it smells like the color green in here," Dabi told him, taking a deep breath. Tomura didn't answer but gasped when he felt his hair get tugged.

     Tomura pulled his hair close, walking forward while Dabi looked at the one who pulled his hair. A man wearing a similar outfit to Dabi's: a black vest over a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, grey pants, and black boots held the hair as it slipped through. However, the man wore chained bracelets. He also had a black and grey mask on that covered his entire head.

     "Holy shit! So much hair! Cut it off!" The man commented, then shouted. Dabi laughed at his outburst, "Hey, Shaggy! C'mere! This guy's funny!" Tomura was too panicked to say anything and accidentally backed up into a bigger man, who growled. "Ooh, you're not lookin' too hot, Shags. I say we get you home and call it a day, all right? I mean, if you can't handle this little joint, then you'll be better off in your tower-" Dabi began, escorting the freaked out man to the door, only to have it slammed in his face.

     "This you?" Another thug asked, holding up a wanted poster to the door. His hands were so big that they covered practically the whole paper. Dabi moved a couple of the thug's fingers, only to show a picture of him with even more ridiculous-looking scars.

     "I swear these guys are doin' this on purpose at this point," Dabi grumbled.

     "Oh, that's him, all right!" A female thug with messy, blond buns sneered. "Moonfish, look for some guards! That money's going to buy me a new set of knives," she cooed, brandishing a worn-down blade and grabbing Dabi by the collar of his turquoise vest. A man wearing a black bodysuit that exposed his mouth ran out of the diner.

     Suddenly, a different thug grabbed Dabi and held onto him. "Hey! I could use that money. I'm broke!" And then it seemed as if all hell broke loose and people were fighting over the wanted criminal. Dabi, pissed off by all this, started heating up, causing more of a fight. Tomura, behind all the thugs, hit their metal backs with the pan, hoping to get Dabi back.

     "Hey! Leave him alone, you fuckers! He's my guide, so give him back!" He shouted, but to no avail. Mon barked his little head off. And seeing as how the thugs held Dabi down, the female one about to stab him, Tomura acted fast.

     Without thinking, Tomura used the end of his hair as a whip and whipped the knife out of the girl's hand, screaming, "Put him down!" The thugs stared in silence at the long-haired man. "Damn! Okay, I have no idea where I am, and I need him to take me to see the floating lights! It's been my lifelong dream to see them! Find your fucking humanity! Haven't you idiots ever had a dream?!" Tomura screeched, flailing around.

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