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in the year 3153, a young girl came across a fossil. most animals had died many centuries ago.

just a fossil. they occur all the time, after all. just a couple of bones. they don't matter.

but this skeleton was almost whole. 

the girl had already decided that science was her career. they still needed scientists, to find new plants and planets and cures.

none of them studied fossils.

she took a picture -- what we call a picture, anyway -- and and kept it in a simple, plastic bag.

many years passed, and she found out what she discovered was called a "cat." she gathered her closest friends and most talented classmates, and made a team.

the scientists studied. and studied. and looked for books. slowly, she spread her influence around the worlds. everyone from mars and earth knew about the "history scientists."

the team set up to create a living, breathing cat from the fossil.

but now, they had a cat. at least, something close to a cat. it had some robotic parts and the brain was almost a human brain.

the scientists hid the discovery from the Medium. no one knew about the discovery. many thought that the team had given up or moved on.

they recreated the cat, after a few more years.

and kept going.

every time time they made a cat, they changed something about it; fur color, skills, sounds.

there was a group -- no, a colony -- of cats, living in a lab.

but then the medium found out.

all of those twisted lies from the beautiful screens. that these new robot-cats would take over the planets. that the colony was created to kill.

and the interplanetaries decided to get rid of the cats, once and for all. they were creating a disturbance, they said. they came to a decision, at last, to prove to the team that the colony was an abomination.

the team would be sent into a spacecraft, just above the exosphere, and live with the cats for five years. the interplanetaries didn't believe the team could survive.

the colony of cats and the team now lived in the spacecraft. it was only one year in, the scientists were still experimenting.

but everyone in the colony had a place.

lore overview/introduction above

i. feline overview

iii. daily activities
a. gardening
b. dens and nests
c. stats

vi. human npcs

v. conclusion

feline overview


cat names are one-part, more "modern" human names. remember, no animal names, as the cats have never seen them & a lot of species went extinct. cats can also be named space-related names. 

you can also change the spelling of a "current" name.

usable names:

banned names:
~dewy wildflower

these cats have no ability to hunt and minimal fighting skills. however, they have special skills that vary between each cat. they can understand humans and age about the same as cats now.

these cats are slightly larger and have simple patterns. there won't be any lilac cats or pointed cats, besides seal point. the eye colors are relatively similar to now, except heterochromia doesn't exist.

there are five "versions" of cats. the first two versions, v1 and v2, don't age at all. v3 and v4 cats age slowly. v5 cats start out as kittens and age like cats now.


biocat; the original cat. v1

second in command; the second cat created. basically the deputy. v1.5

third in command; the third cat created. basically the medicine cat in status, but no healing. v1.5

the elder; the oldest cat created. v2 [10+ years]

seniors; older warriors. v3 [5+ years]

juniors; younger warriors. v4 [2-5 years]

learners; apprentices. they don't "discover" their skill until 18 months old.  v5 [1-2 years]

kittens; the kits of the clan. they're basically smaller cats and don't need to be weaned or taught basic skills. they live with an adoptive parent, usually a senior or youngling. v5 [0-1 years]

daily activities


there are three seeds, grass, strawberry, and tomato. more plants may be created as the game progresses!

there are two public gardens, the apollo garden and the esther garden. they're identical in soil levels and concentration, but it has been observed that the apollo garden is better for grass and the esther garden is better for tomatoes. the strawberries are both the same for both gardens. they both can have ten plants total.

every cat has their own garden. any seeds can be planted here and they hold four plants total. you may share gardens or "borrow" a place in another cat's garden.

dens and nests

each cat has their own "pod" den. it has a nest made of soft grass and can be decorated in any way. the nests also need to be changed every moon, or cats will begin to get exhausted from bad sleeps. the dens also have a small garden.

the pods can be decorated in any way with flowers and plants.


every cat has five stats: harvesting, gardening, health, and status, along with their special skill. harvesting and gardening are skills. health is in hp, 25 for kits, 50 for learners, and 100 for regular cats, along with a cat status [ex. healthy, sick, injured [limb], tired, exhausted, etc]. status is the out of game status [ex. inactive, on hold, active]. their special skill, ranging from strength to agility or even talking to plants! it all depends on your character. c:

human npcs

discover as you move along...


after this, you can now join the colony! c: welcome to vega three, human.


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