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chapter 1

"...and most especially, not give in to my temptations as it may be a matter of life and death." 


"Oh my, and did you see the way they whirled and twirled, my goodness it was a sight to witness the way he left her speechless after it all."

Speechless? I didn't want to prolong the tortuous dance with the man.

Murmurs of agreement and multiple head-nods made its way through the group of women I was subjected to sit between.

"It wouldn't had surprised me if he'd bent down on that knee of his and proposed then and there. Love was written on both of their faces. I remember when I was dancing gracefully at my very first ball."

I was quite impressed she could remember anything at all with the way she never even seemed to recall my name or differentiate that I wasn't my sister. Mrs. Westmire truly was a handful. My parents expected me to fawn over every rich, young bachelor that came within my reach and acted as though my Fallopian tubes should be bouncing with excitement every time a person of the opposite sex came near me. If my parents ever discovered just how unladylike their Saint-of-a-daughter really was, they would have more than likely shipped me off to the nearest boarding school for wayward young women.

How devastating,  that little voice added.

A smirk crept up to meet my face as the thought of myself and the other rebellious ladies overthrowing the authorities with large spoons and meter rulers entered my mind. But as soon as it came, it was gone. My beloved Aunt Victoria decided to comment on my lack of contribution to the current conversation.

Why would I? After all, they were on the topic of potential suitors who may potentially be husbands.

I felt my toast coming up.

"Why Odessa dearest, you haven't said anyth-"

"Forgive me but may I please be excused? To the powder room?" Completely disregarding her question that may or may not have required me to lie, I took my chance at escape from their torture without hesitation. It was hesitation or never, or however the saying went.

I was given a small nod of approval which was accompanied by a smile, that granted me access to the outside world. Or rather the powder room, because that's where I said I was going in the first place. What was it with women and why were they so infatuated with men and their unpredictable proposals to them? To me, it was all just a public agreement to eternal housework and death by gifts and pollen. You'd be surprised by the amount of flowers one man could pick. 

Lifting the most hideous piece of cloth my mother claimed 'a prize winning garment' namely my dress above my ankles, I quickly made my way to the familiar little nook that housed the events I cherished so dearly. My legs continued around the front bushes and to the side, near the pond until finally, I'd arrived at my destination: the back meadows. My friends regarded me with brightest of smiles and sounds which I assumed were grunts of approval as I made my way into their circle. My smile however, faltered when my ears heard what exactly was being discussed. 

  "...no no no, the white purse will do much better with the green faux coat." 

"Indeed." They all nodded while Alice, with a look of accomplishment accepted them all. Who cared about what clothes they had to wear when I had a mid-life crisis? 

"Girls, if I may-"

  "We shall all be fabulous tonight and no one will be able to tell us what to do!"

"Yes, no more embroidery..." Genevieve's eyes sparkled as though she were dashing through the moonlight on her way to a ritual flit.

"More like no more pointless outings to the tea shop and garden." May despised the very thought of having a time of the day named after a beverage she enjoyed. 

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