Hour 8

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Mya tossed her drone in front of us and it began to fly to the right of us.
" Y'all know what to do," Mya said.
   We did know what to do. Bryson moved to the front of the group and Clariece moved to the back so we could have someone looking out on both sides. We walked for about 15 or 20 minutes until I started to see the ship by looking in between trees. It was how I remembered it. Big and round. A large part of me was scared for my life. What if we got ambushed?
" You Ok?" Johannes asked.
I sighed and shook my head.
" I'm scared, Johannes," I said.
" We're all scared Alex. Remember that we're doing this for our family. For our friends and neighbors-" Bryson said until Clariece interrupted.
" We're doing this for the planet."
   Then we felt a tug from behind. Johannes and I stopped walking and looked behind us. Mya had stopped walking.
" Alright... we're approaching the ship. I am going to assume that lots of these creatures will be guarding it. It's not going to look good that we have two of its people." she said.
" So what's the plan?" I asked.
   She looked side to side as she struggled to come up with something.
" Maybe we can create a distraction," Bryson suggested.
   Mya nodded her head, " That's a good idea. But what would be the distraction?"
Bryson shrugged his shoulders.
" I know this is going to sound dumb but maybe we should go out there first, try to fight off the aliens then call for Mya," I suggested.
   Everyone looked at me dumbly.
" You're right...that does sound dumb," Bryson said.
   Mya used the alien to slap Bryson.
" HEY CHILL!" he yelled.
    We all busted out laughing.
   Bryson looked at us evil-ly while rubbing his face, "Yeah very funny to slap me with the alien hand."
   Mya rolled her eyes and chuckled.
" I like Alex's idea. It's dumb but it's the best we've got." Mya stated.
" So we're going in the front line?" Johannes asked.
   Mya nodded her head, " Have an issue with that?"
He shook his head.
" Wait....how are we going to get the alien out there?" Clariece asked.
   Mya groaned and let her head plop on the alien's brain.
" You know what? Y'all go out there like Alex said. I'll figure out the rest."
   We stood there a second to prepare ourselves I guess. This was it. We had been fighting for the past who knows how many hours but now felt like we were doing something more serious. I wasn't sure if our plan was going to work but I trusted that Mya had a second plan. That she was goi my to figure something out.
" I feel like I need a hug from someone," Clariece said sadly.
   I smiled and walked up to her. I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her close to me. Clariece rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.
" Can I get one too?" Bryson asked.
   Clariece nodded her head and motioned Bryson to come over to us. We welcomed Bryson to our hug and held each other tight.
" You gonna get in on this?" Clariece asked Johannes.
   He smiled at us awkwardly before he walked over to us and joined in our hug.
" I would join too but I'm tied to an alien...and I don't like hugs," Mya said.
   We all laughed then broke our hug."
" Ok...let's get our weapons out and murder some aliens," Clariece said.
   Bryson and I got our guns out and Clariece and Johannes got their staff out and we carefully walked to the edge of the forest. Mya was right. There were five or six aliens either standing in front of the ship or walking the perimeter.
" So...do we have a fight plan? I think running into battle isn't the smartest thing." Bryson said.
" Well, we can't exactly have a game plan. We just need to work together and be smart about this."
" Well Bryson and Alex have guns and Johannes and I have our staffs. I suggest that Bryson and Mya should do long-distance targeting and Johannes and I do more up-close fighting."
" So Clariece and I will go in first and Mya and Bryson will cover us?" Johannes questioned.
   We nodded our heads.

It all happened pretty fast. Also pretty slow
   One of those slow-motion moments happened the second Clariece and Johannes took off into the big, grassy field where the aliens and their ship were. I looked over at Bryson and he stood there with his gun at his side as he focused on Clariece and Johannes. My mind drifted everywhere. Flashes of us fighting the robots popped into my head. Us being painted silver. Us running back to the portal. Me flying in the air when the car blew up. I looked over at Bryson again and he was looking at me. He smiled and grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a short, passionate kiss. I grabbed his face in response and looked him in his eyes.
" As much as I'd love to stay like this we have to cover Clariece and Johannes," he said.
   I nodded my head and we began to run out into the field after Clariece and Johannes who were fighting their own aliens. Clariece was flying through the air as she held onto its arm. She somehow broke its arm off and used it to stab it in its chest. Johannes looked like he was dancing with the alien he was fighting. He would move forward and the alien would move back. This kept going on for a while until he finally stabbed its leg then its stomach.
" Alex, Clariece!" Bryson yelled to me.
   Clariece was too busy looking at the alien she had just disabled to notice that an alien was flying through the air ready to kill her. I raised my gun and pointed it at the alien head.
" One...two...three," I said to myself.
   I pulled the trigger and the alien fell to the ground next to Clariece. She looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and directed my attention elsewhere.
   Bryson and I never had to get too close to them. Clariece and Johannes held up their own weight most of the time. They would be fighting an alien and then another would try and come for them and either Bryson or I would shoot them. This all went on for a while until we saw an alien fly over us with another dead alien in its arms. Everyone stopped fighting. Even the aliens.
" Mya!" I rejoiced.
   Then aliens that were on the ground screeched and began to go after her so we did what we do best. We went after them. Clariece and Johannes darted towards the aliens that tried to take flight and would stab them somewhere. If an alien did take flight either Bryson I would shoot them down.
" She's heading for the back door," I said.
" Let's follow her," Bryson said.
   I nodded my head and we started to run after her while she was still fluting through the air.
" We think she's going for the door!" I yelled to Johannes and Clariece.
   We all ran under Mya as she continued to fly to the back of the ship. For a while, we saw a bunch of aliens behind us but after a couple of seconds, they stopped chasing us. Mya finally landed sat the alien in front of the large metal door.
" So this is it?" Bryson asked.
" I'm pretty sure," Mya responded.
" So what's the plan? How are we gonna stand this alien up?" Johannes asked.
" Why can't we use Mya's again?" Clariece asked.
" I would have to untie myself bad these things are bigger than us so if the five of us held it up half of the body would most likely be sloped over." She explained.
" So what are you gonna do exactly?" I asked.
" Grab its arms with my legs and hold them in the air while y'all support its bottom half," Mya responded.
   Mya flew up in the air and hovered over the alien. We handed her one arm at a time. She held onto its arms and flew up into the air and the alien was now pretty much standing with the help of Mya. The rest of us got behind the alien. Then the scanner turned on and scanned us. Then it dinged and the big metal door opened.
" Hurry, toss the alien in the doorway so it won't close completely," Mya said.
   She dropped the alien and laid the alien she was tied to on its back and untied herself. We pushed the alien halfway into the ship. Thankfully the door didn't close so we just walked in.
" Maybe we should put the alien out there," I suggested.
" Yeah," Mya said nervously.
    We pushed the alien completely outside the ship and the door shut on us.
It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I could only hear the breaths of everyone around me.
Then Mya turned her flashlight on and pointed it at my face.
" Sorry." she apologized.
" Where's Johannes?" Clariece asked.
Then suddenly something hit me upside my head.

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