Hour 10

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I felt a sharp pain run through my veins that woke me out of my sleep. I started to open my eyes but I immediately shut them because of the bright white lights that shined from the ceiling.
" Afternoon, Love," a female voice said.
   I yawned and opened my eyes completely so I could see everything around me. A lady in a short blue dress stood on the opposite side of the room. She had a very welcoming smile but it also held a lot of secrets.
" So we were ambushed?" I asked.
   She chuckled and walked up to me.
"  For some reason, Mya, I am getting a feeling that you're the most valuable to me," she said evilly.
   I just looked her dead in her eyes as she gave me the most sinister smile.
" What do you want?" I asked.
" We want your planet."
" Why our planet?" I asked.
" No specific reason. We were just wandering and came upon your round little globe and chose it."
   I sighed and closed my eyes then opened them slowly to process the fact that I ended up in this situation.
" Why are we here?" I asked.
   The lady smiled and began to slowly circle the chair I was in.
" We're not like you guys. We need to know how you guys act. We need to blend in and to do that we need to know how you guys would react to certain situations."
I needed to find out where Johannes was. I looked around to see if he was in a glass room like the rest of us, but I saw everyone except him. Even though I acted like I didn't care about them, I didn't want any of them to end up dead.
" Where is Johannes? I know that you were controlling him."
   She stopped walking and looked at me.
" Your friend is doing fine," she responded.
" I didn't ask that. I asked you where he was." I said sternly.
   The blonde-haired woman sighed and motioned for someone to come here. Then one of those ugly aliens stepped into the hallway where I could see Johannes in their arms. I felt myself getting more irritated because I knew something was about to happen.
" Is he still being controlled by you?" I asked.
" Is that what you want, lovely?" she asked.
" I want you to let him go," I said.
   She paused and looked at me for a second before she turned around towards Johannes and the creature who was standing on the other side of the glass wall.
" She doesn't want him to be under our control anymore. Take care of that."
   Then the alien raised its arm and slowly sliced open Johannes' throat. Blood gushed out of his neck and all down his clothes and onto the floor. I had only known him for a couple of hours but oddly the sight of seeing his throat be cut open broke something inside me.
" NO!" I screamed.
   I saw the others reacting just as I did when Johannes had his throat cut. The lady turned towards me and smiled.
" What is this! Why did you do that?!" I yelled.
" You want your friend to live? Let us inside your mind," she demanded.
" Do I have a freaking choice? You've got me chained and hooked up to all sorts of things!" I yelled back.
   She walked up to me and put her hand on my neck and squeezed.
" Don't you think we would have gone inside your mind if we could? You won't let us," she responded.
   She took her hand off my neck and stepped back.
" You swear you can save him?" I asked.
   She looked at the guy who was standing in front of the computer where all the wires that were hooked up to me led to, then she nodded her head.
" You have to swear it. Tell me how you'll save him because in this world there's no coming back from that." I said.
" We had to drain him of his blood to release him of our compulsion. That's how we're able to control him. When we scratch you we also put some of our blood in your system and our blood cells multiply rapidly in your bloodstream and then we're able to control you."
" That wasn't explaining how you'll save him. If he dies, you don't get to go inside my head." I said.
   She rolled her eyes and sighed, " We have to finish draining him. While we drain him we pump a liquid substance in him that will speed up his healing process. Once all our blood is out of his system we will let him go."
   Her explanation sounded legit. Also, I felt like I didn't have much of a choice. I knew she slit his throat to be dramatic. I knew if I didn't let her inside my head she would start hurting the others. These people better be worth it.
" Fine. As long as he won't die."
   She clapped her hands excitedly and walked up to the man standing in front of the computer.
" Start it," she said.

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