Hour 11

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Wait, wait, wait. Backup, backspace, rewind, and pause. What's coming?" Bryson asked.
" Our superiors. I thought I made that clear," she replied.
" I mean are they super scary...like the ruler of the universe where a bunch of superheroes have to band together to defeat it but in the end, they lose scary?" he asked.
" Are you trying to suggest that the five of you are superheroes?" she laughed.
" I could be a hero...yes. I saved the world once." Bryson argued.
" Debatable," I added.
   Alex narrowed her eyes at me.
" I think what he means is how intense are these...superiors?" she clarified.
" I think the fact that we ran from our own planet speaks measures."
" So do we need to prepare?" Bryson asked.
   The blonde lady looked at him dumbly.
" They are running from these superiors, so yes Bryson, we'll need to prepare," said Clariece.
   After that, the blonde lady and the men who were with her led us to another room that was filled with tubes with tons of them in each tube. Just as I suspected they were making more of them. I am assuming they were doing that so they could have more of them on our planet. Now that they have pledged their allegiance to us, I am hoping that they will use these to help us fight the beings they are running from.
" These are more of our people. Some of them we grew, and some of them were already alive but we didn't have enough food for everyone to be conscious on this trip," she said as she looked at one of the aliens floating around in the green fluid inside the tube.
" Are you going to keep them in there?" I asked.
" That's a wonderfully indirect way to ask me if I will use our people to help you fight our superiors." she chuckled.
   Then she walked over to a wall and pressed on one of the squares and the wall went in and opened up a passageway that led down.
" Come with me," she said.
   We all followed her down the dark stairwell which led to an enormous armory.
" We knew we would need to be prepared just in case they found us. We have plenty of armor here. We don't have any for you tho, but we do have weapons."
   The lady walked over to a wall filled with assorted knives, guns, axes, and a lot of other different types of weapons. She turned towards the group and she had a look of worry across her face. I walked up to her and put my hands on her shoulders and squeezed them to give her comfort.
" We were supposed to put up the cloaking device by now which would have hidden your planet from them," she stated.
" I'm assuming that means we don't have much time left," I said.
" Could you maybe give us an estimate of how many hours we may have until they arrive?" Alex asked.
   The woman burst into laughter after Alex's question, " Hours? We barely have that. We must prepare now."
   I deeply inhaled then exhaled.
" So we just spent like over five hours fighting and hiding from y'all just to have to go and fight people who are much worse than you?" Bryson sighed.
   She nodded her head. We all walked back upstairs and to the room where Johannes was lying.
" How long until you think Johannes will be awake?" I asked.
" He should be waking up any second now. I believe that the draining process is over."
   I nodded my head and walked over to Alex, Bryson, and Clariece.
" Are you guys up for this?" I asked.
" I'm not, to be honest."
   We all gasped and turned around to see Johannes wide awake with a smile on his face. I smiled and rushed over to him.
" How are you feeling, 1-10?" I asked.
" Negative 1,000." he joked.
" Did you hear anything that we said?" Alex asked.
   He nodded his head, " I heard in the background while I was dreaming that we're gonna fight again."
" Yeah, you think you're up for that buddy? You did just get your throat sliced." Bryson said.
" I got my what-"
" It's alright, you'll be better in no time. Also if you're not up for it, we will just find somewhere to hide you for the time being." I interrupted.
   I suddenly saw someone walk up next to me in the corner of my eye. I looked over and the lady was standing waiting to butt in.
" Hate to break up your little reunion, but you guys need to suit up and pick out the weapons you would like to use," she said.
   I nodded my head and the six of us walked back down the stairs and up to the wall of weapons.
" What do you normally use?" she asked.
" Well this is my first day using weapons, to be honest, and also I just woke up from a coma because one of you slit my freaking throat so..." Johannes said.
   I laughed and pat Johannes on the back.
" I'm good with anything, to be honest. I've used a good amount of weapons in my day so give me what you got." I replied.
   She nodded her head and started to take down weapons from the wall and place them on a large black table. She lined them all up next to each other and stepped back for us to look at our choices.
" I'm seeing a good amount of guns," Alex said.
" Are these normal weapons or do they do cool, movie alien stuff?" Bryson asked.
" I don't know what that means, but each gun does have a different function," she said.
   She walked back up to the table and picked up a gun that looked like an M-9 with a silencer, but it was all one thing.
" This is a regular gun. It shoots out plasma bullets."
" Regular gun-, our guns just shoot out hot pieces of metal," said Johannes.
" What damage would that do?" she asked.
"Well it depends on where you shoot it," he asked.
   The lady smiled then laughed, " It doesn't matter where you shoot your target, they will die from getting shot by a plasma bullet."
   Bryson walked up to the lady and took the gun out of her hand, " I'll take that thank you."
  The lady looked offended by Bryson just walking up to her and taking the gun out of her but she brushed it off and picked up another gun from off the table. This one looked like an Uzi SMG but it was blue and white.
" Does that freeze things?" Alex asked.
   She shook her head and pointed to the gun that looked like a navy blue Flare Gun.
" To be specific that one lowers the body temperature of whoever you point its laser at. It lowers their temperature rapidly until they practically freeze to death from the inside out."
She held the gun she had in her hand and placed it in front of Alex. " This one can teleport its target to wherever you would like."
" Wait, so how does it work exactly?" Alex asked.  
" You point it at your desired target, pull the trigger then point in another spot and pull the trigger again and they will teleport to that spot," she explained.
   The lady began to pick up another weapon then she suddenly stopped and looked straight ahead. Then she put the weapon down and rushed up the stairs. We all put anything we had in our hands down and followed behind her. The woman rushed out of the lab and out of the ship. We followed behind her and when we exited the ship we saw a large, dark brown ship shaped like three cubes put together but each of the cubes were rotated in different ways floating in the sky.

" They're here," she said.

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