15: Just us

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Author's note: I guess a lot of you thought the 14th chapter's the last part. I was planning to make this the last chapter. But I changed my mind, the next one will be the last chapter.

Author's point of view

And that's how fast a year passed. Jong Hoon went back to Hankuk Law School. His eomeoni would invite Sol, her mom and Byeol to eat with them. Or it was her mom who would invite them. They were like a family. The couple usually spend time on Saturdays. And on one Saturday, Jong Hoon was in Sol's unit, they were both watching a kdrama together.

"Aww, they're so cute." Sol commented. The main couple were on a date at a park.

"Mianhae." Jong Hoon looked at her.

"For what?"

"We can't do those together. We can't go on a date outside because we have to keep our relationship a secret."

"It's not your fault."

"Let's not keep it a secret anymore."

All of a sudden, Sol's phone coincidentally rang. Ye Seul was calling her and she answered it.

"Sol A, is it true?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you don't know it yet!" Her best friend shouted.

"Eo? What is it?"

"Ya! You really don't know about it?!"

"I have absolutely no idea about what you're talking about."

"Fine, I'll send it to you."

Ye Seul ended the call and she sent the article she was talking about. When Sol opened it, she was shocked.

"Gwaenchana? Waegeurae?" Jong Hoon was worried.

She handed him her phone to see what it was.

Hankuk Law School's professor and his former student, caught dating?

There was a photo of them together. Jong Hoon was smiling while looking at her. And Sol was also smiling. He wasn't that worried when he read it. He was more worried about his girlfriend. "Gwaenchana? Are you worried about what people will say about us?"

"I'm worried that this will affect your reputation as a professor."

"I'll be okay as long as you are okay." He said giving her a smack on the lips.


Later that day, the two of them were called by the dean and the president of Hankuk Law School. So they had to go there.

"About this. Explain this." They told them showing them the article.

"The reason why I left this school is because of the feelings I have for her. But when I was about to leave, she coincidentally moved into the same building as I live. That's when we had the chance to spend time with each other." The prosecutor-turned-professor explained.

"That's right. We may have spent time together, but that was only when I moved into the same building he lives." She added.

"After spending time together, we finally confessed our feelings for each other. But we decided to take our relationship to the next level when she graduates."

"Come to think of it. If we really were in a relationship before, then Yang-gyosunim should've stayed here. Bojeon Law School is far. How could we spend time with each other?"

Someone then entered the room. And it was Sol B.

"I have to say that if they were in a relationship before, then Yang-gyosunim should've made my boyfriend, Han Joon Hwi, stay away from Sol A." She said. "Sol A and Joon Hwi weren't in a relationship before. They were just friends. But anyone would mistake their friendship for something else."

-The next day-

The board had a meeting about it. And everything they said made sense. So they decided not to take Jong Hoon's license as a professor away.  Everyone was talked about them being in a relationship. Sol B was interviewed about it. And she told them what she has stated to the dean and the president yesterday. That helped Jong Hoon and Sol a lot. And that also made many other people support them and their relationship.

As Sol was in Jong Hoon's unit, it was only the two of them there. They were sitting down on the sofa in the living room

"I'm glad we don't have to hide anything now." Sol said. And Jong Hoon smiled at her. "I love you whatever the world may say about us." He replied.

He then held her face. Their faces were so close to each other.

"Saranghae." He whispered to her right ear. They closed their eyes and he closed the distance between them. And that was when they felt each other's lips. Jong Hoon's lips kept moving. So Sol responded back. She put her arms around his neck, stroking his hair tails. He put his around her waist. Because of that, the kiss got deeper and deeper. They used their arms to pull them closer to each other. "Nado saranghae, Yang-gyosunim." Sol said between their kissed. And he pulled her even more. They were so close to each other. Then they stopped and took deep breaths. After that, he kissed her forehead and gave her lips a smack.

Without them realizing it, someone entered the unit. And they were Jong Hyun and Byeol. They didn't see them kissing but they were still too close to each other. Sol's hands were still on Jong Hoon's neck. The two kids were shocked. The couple didn't know what to do nor say so she pushed him. She pushed him that he lay down on the sofa.

"Ouch!" Jong Hoon yelled. It didn't hurt much but he pretended that it did so as to make the kids forget what they just saw. His eomeoni and Sol's eomma heard them and went in.

"Omo! What happened?" They asked him. But they didn't know what to say. He just pretended that his head hurts because Sol pushed him.


Author's note: Be prepared for the next and the last chapter. I'll miss you all. 😭😭

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