The Blacksmith's Child

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(Before we start this, I want to get something out of the way. I was never gonna make a story like this, okay never is a strong word. I didn't have any clue what this was until SOMEONE got me liking this show. So before we start, we can blame this story on Royal-of-the-Loyal Blame them for all of this. If I wasn't such a gullible softie, none of this would've happened. As for you Royal, a gift to you, friend. Anyway, you guys didn't come here to hear me, you came to read. Hope you enjoy.)

(2nd Publish; what kinda shit happened where I took this down? Sorry bout that)

"Hm...It looks like a block to me." Y/n said as he crossed his arms. He looked no older than 7. His mother wore a black apron over her body as she sat over an anvil. Glowing metal was seen as she slammed it with her hammer. Shaping it, giving it form.

"Give it a while, kiddo. It's sure gonna turn out okay." she told him as Y/n looked closely. The block started to turn longer and longer. As time went on, he couldn't believe it... but it turned it into a sword. "There. That's five. Now..."

She turned around to look at Y/n as Y/n looked away in fear. "What are you doing in the shop anyway? Don't you wanna play with your friends?"

Y/n looked dead inside. "Hahahahaha... What friends?" "It's that bad, huh?"

Y/n looked at his hands. "Everyone's got cool magic, while I just got a weird one. Even as a 'peasant', I didn't think I'd get something so useless..."

"Idiot!" His mother slammed her fist into the back of his head.

"Ow, ow ow!" Y/n held his head and looked at her. "What was that for?!"

"You're gonna let what you are decide what path you go down?! Are you sure you're my son!?" She shouted at Y/n with mild rage. "Those who don't work hard, don't deserve power! Those who think they deserve power because of their past, birthright, and pride, are those who never see the bigger picture! You don't deserve power, you earn it!"

Y/n looked at his mother with amazement. His mom has always been strong, not just physically for her blacksmith shop, but emotionally too. It's like she always knew what to say to cheer people up, she was wise and strong but not cocky about it. It was hard not to want to be like her. Y/n's mother turned around to get back to work. "I gotta finish these by the end of the night, I'm probably gonna be late tonight. Go check on your father for me, would ya?"

"O-Okay! Got it!" Y/n smiled and hopped off the stool and ran outside. "Love you, Mom!"

"Heh, love you too." She said quietly and went back to work. The peasant life wasn't as bad once someone lived it their whole life. Besides, Y/n's mother is a blacksmith and his dad was a merchant, they're a pretty good duo. Y/n, unlike them, was born with strong affinity for mana and had exceptional magic power although he didn't know it. All he did know is that he had... steam magic... it didn't sound useful at all. Especially when it kept making him pass out.

Y/n ran past a noble, giving him a dirty look, but Y/n gave one back. "Not all nobles are scum, corrupt and rotten... but the majority are."

Nobles... was is there to say about them? They took Y/n's father's old job and tore it down so I guess being bitter about that is a bit of an understatement. Y/n looked to see his father selling some communications devices. "Thank you! Come again!"

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