What Now?

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"Black rover~! Du do, do du do du do do do do du do du do~ do do, do du do du dooooo, Black Rover ~!" Y/n hummed as he swung his arms up and down. Mereoleona led as the two walked through the forest. Y/n with a nod and a smile, tilting his head to the side.

Y/n asked, "so... what do we do now?"

Mereoleona didn't look at him, but seemed neutral to his humming and positive attitude. She hummed a bit of the same tune Y/n was to herself before she snapped out of it and scoffed, "back to my camp."

Y/n winced, looking at some of the burn marks he made. "Uh, I think that part of the forest may be destroyed."

Mereoleona looked over her shoulder, "you really think I would sleep near by my camp?"

Y/n immediately replied, "yes. Someone like you, I figured you wouldn't worry about stuff like that."

Mereoleona turned her head back forward, not replying to the man. Y/n held his hands behind his head, "man, this is awkward. I thought we were having a conversation, but, it seems like I was wrong. Maybe I hit a sore spot."

Mereoleona's face couldn't be seen for Y/n was walking behind her, "why so quiet?"

Y/n's arms dropped to the side. His guard breaking. "Huh?"

Mereoleona smirked, "we were having a conversation, weren't we?"

Y/n's eyes wandered at the smirk, trying to figure out the game Mereoleona was playing. He couldn't tell if the Lioness had already done her trap, or if the Rhino was just dumb. He liked to believe he was smarter than most, but he also knew that he was, of course, a guy. That leads him to some level of stupidity by default. "Yeah, just not sure what to talk about."

"I see." Mereoleona said, taking more steps forward. And just like that, the silence came back around. It wasn't a bad silence though like before, it was a comforting one. Mereoleona then raised her head to the sky, and did so for a while.

Long enough to where Y/n felt the need to check on her, "Hey, everything okay?"

"Just remembered, we don't have enough food for two people." Mereoleona smiled, "hunting time!"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "what are we hunting for?"

Mereoleona punched her hands together. "We're hunting for thick or thin meat. Size doesn't really matter."

It was silent again, and Y/n shook. The corners of his mouth started to rise as he was holding in a laugh. "Pffft-!"

Mereoleona looked at him annoyed and punches him, square in the head, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

Y/n comically flies back, "GAH-!" he heads toward the river and stops himself from landing on it. He smiled and looked at the stream, "Hey! Merelo-...Merlio....Mereoleona!"

"What is it?" Mereoleona looked at him with annoyance, it hasn't even been a minute since his comment and now he can't even say her name? Her folded arms were a clear enough sign to be cautious with his words.

"Is...is it cool if I try upstream?" Y/n asked the lioness as his curved finger pointed upwards. Mereoleona took a few seconds to look at the stream before looking back at Y/n, silence rang out as Y/n really wasn't sure where to put his hands.

Eventually, "Do what you want!" Mereoleona loudly shouted.

Y/n smiled before he did a jump and steam formed from underneath his shoes. He then started to surf upwards, towards the start of the stream. He waved, "be back soon!"

Black Clover: Full Steam Ahead! (Male Reader X Mereoleona Vermillion)Where stories live. Discover now