Tick...Tock...Goes...The Clock [Finale]

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(A/n: An end to this short story! We texted the waters with this one and got a different Black Clover story planned if the burning desire ever comes to write for it. Anyway, Star here, and I'll see you next time!)

"Hey.." Mereoleona's voice is heard as a bonfire is shown. Y/n and Mereoleona are seen sitting around a festival as the villagers danced to the beat of drums. "Are you the strongest fighter you know? Besides me?"

"Wow, that's some ego, Mery." Y/n chuckled, "but let me try to answer that strangely worded question...hmm... I guess it would have to be Acier."

Mereoleona's eyes went wide, "you've met Acier?"

"Oh yeah, she was super strong." Y/n grinned and took a sip of his flask.

"So... how'd the two of you meet?"
A big explosion is seen in a town, rubble was flying everywhere but luckily some steam melted them before they hit any innocent people. The steam started to swarm until a giant fist before a boy, who looks about 17, slams it into a giant creature. The creature stumbled back before Y/n lands on a rooftop, "hey! Tempus! Or Tempest! Or whatever you call yourself! Knock it off!"

A girl with black hair and a black dress smiled with little care. Her hollow eyes showed no remorse as she snapped her fingers, the creature got up again. Y/n sighed, "why'd she have to come from the Diamond Kingdom...overpowered bastards."

The creature slammed its fist into Y/n, making the boy bleed as he crashed into a few more buildings. Y/n coughed out the blood before wiping his lips, "fine, let's fly, asshole."* Y/n creates much steam at once, making it hard to see him or anything. The creature looked around to try and grab him but Y/n flew around in the steam, silently. He sent a beam of steam out from his mouth and upwards at the creature, making it soar into the air. The creature slowly fell back to the ground but Y/n blasted off from the ground and towards the sky, cracking the land beneath him. Y/n surrounds his fist with a steam aura and punches the foe, engulfing them in steam and burning their skin.  Once again the creature soared even higher than before, "alright, time to try this out for the first time...* Mana Method Fumus Draco!"

The powerful attack creates a huge current of steam in the shape of a dragon, sent towards the creature. It blows a hole straight through the monster as it started to fall on the town. Y/n quickly turned around and put his hands out, surging his body to pump mana out and release a huge wave of steam that eviscerated the creature. Y/n released a breath of relief before look at Tempus' position, but she was gone. "Damn it, took too long."

A mana surge was coming right for him. Y/n squinted his eyes to see a woman, "wait, is that Mereoleona? Hey, over here! Do you remember me!?"

Mereoleona immediately punched him in the stomach, making the boy curl over and hold his stomach, "AGGHHH!!" Mereoleona then spiked Y/n down to the floor before he bounced down a road. "Ahh, aggh!!!"

"..." Mereoleona didn't say anything and looked like a teenager, her fist filled with a burning fire. It was becoming huge and lit up the whole area in a orange hue. Y/n's eyes shook as he struggled to get up.

"What the hell... ugh...what's her damage... she's gonna destroy the whole town," Y/n clenched his fist, "doesn't matter. I can get answers after I finish her off!"

Before Y/n could take her down, a speak or rather, lance like weapon went through Mereoleona. "AH! MEREOLEONA!"

"It's not the real one. Don't worry." a woman's voice is heard as the fake disappeared into flames, "though, it almost had me fooled."

Y/n gritted his teeth, glaring and the woman with steel around herself, "and who are you supposed to be?! You looking for a fight?"

"I'm Acier. I came to help with the clean up but it looks like..." Acier surveyed the area, despite the mass destruction, none of the citizens seemed hurt. "You've done well. I've never seen Steam Magic befo-"

Black Clover: Full Steam Ahead! (Male Reader X Mereoleona Vermillion)Where stories live. Discover now