Annoyed at the Prospect

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Mereoleona is shown dragging a huge fish over her shoulder with a big smile, "hey! Y/n! I got a big one this time! Pretty sure I beat yours."

Mereoleona placed down the fish on the ground next to the tent, the fish making a dent in the ground due to the weight of the creature. The birds cheeped, but there was still no grunts or groans from inside the tent. Not even a sarcastic comment or excited laugh. Mereoleona, puzzled, started to walk over. "Wake up already!" No response, "you better not be-"

She opened the tent and saw Y/n laying on the ground, but he was oddly stiff. When she turned him over, he wasn't breathing in the silence. And the sounds of a ticking clock got louder and louder. Mereoleona suddenly leaps from her dream, finding herself naked, and wrapped around Y/n, "looks like he wasn't kidding about that after all."

Mereoleona lets him go before he hugged her again, missing the warmth. Mereoleona growled, "get off!"

Y/n is seen with an unamused frown as he  holds his head, Mereoleona walked in front of him. "So let me get this straight, you hit me for wrapping your arms around my body!?"

Mereoleona growled, "that's not what happened!" she grumbled a bit to herself, clearly off today.

Even the unaware Y/n could take notice. Carefully approaching her side, he could clearly see that her mind was else where, even though her body was moving in auto pilot, "hey, are you okay? You're kinda-"

"What?" Mereoleona firmly asked with a bit of grit in her voice.

"Out of it." Y/n stated. The two adults entered a small village just then, kids running around with smiles on their faces. One threw some sort of ice ball before a vine bat was swung, shattering the ball instead of flinging it in the air. The vine kid got worried before the other boy hugged him to calm him down.

"What was that dream- no, nightmare about.. why would I even dream about that? Why am I so..." Mereoleona growled to herself and gripped her hand into a fist, "...annoyed at the prospect."

"Huh?" Y/n wondered before trying to change the rough subject. "Can't believe we've already been partied up for six months."

"It honestly feels longer, your strength has rivaled my own in ways I could never imagine. I have to give credit to you for getting even stronger during this journey." Mereoleona gave a different kind of smile. It was way more...affectionate. It was clear the lioness was not aware of this, otherwise she would not have faced him.

"Wait, could it be...?" Y/n began to remember.

"He is handsome, but there's many more things with him."

Mereoleona sipped the rest of her drink, "you'll like that he's dependable, in the time we've been together, he's always has had my back. He's strong enough to stand on his own, but also will put up with your antics. He's very kind and understanding. But he can also be reckless and unpredictable."

"Could she really look at me like that...?" Y/n thought before smirking. He then looked at a tiny dog afar. "Wow, look at that dog. It's cute but not as cute as you."

Mereoleona froze and raised an eyebrow towards Y/n, "Are...Are you flirting with me?"

Y/n chuckled and put his hands behind his head, "Hm? Isn't it obvious?"

Mereoleona scoffed with a light smile, "Try a better one next time, even I can do better than that."

"Eh? Really, let's hear it then." Y/n taunted with a cocky smirk.

Mereoleona turns and puts her hand under his chin, lifting it up. The two were only inches apart and Y/n could feel Mereoleona's hot breath against his face. She smirks at him. "I can't wait for us to spar later~"

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