Vol. 00 Ch. 00 --

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Two sections that collide in humanity. Two personalities battling in oneself.

One is hungry of love and the other one is thirsty of blood.

Which side was victorious? Is it who seeks for darkness? Or it is who seek for hope and faith.

Have you ever seen the light engulfed darkness? Have you explored the black holes from which the galaxies came?

Have you explored their depths? Does light fixed in place, from its source?

A bluffing question that may never be answered and an eternal answer that may never be questioned.

Are you even alive? Or you are just a thought projection of someone else dreams?

Does universe even lied to us? Or it is humanity that can't grasp and understand this phenomenon.

The story is set in "Overworld" (Other universe) in an unspecified past, present and future time.

A fictional world populated by different species.

In this world, all living beings possesses a potential energy known as Mana.

The story shows that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

With what is going on in this world, Heaven could end up a ghost town.

When does faith starts? Where does hope go? How does love begin?

"I have [Faith] in Disbelief,

I Despair in [Hope], and

I [Love] Hatred. I, Terra Mater, Kin of Domains, died in all these things"

Before you start reading, according to the statement, who is the true evil?

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