1. Are we going to a Spelling Bee?

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Hey! If you've decided to read this story I congratulate you on doing something I never thought would ever happen!  This is my first ever story on wattpad so don't hate please, actually you can express your feelings as long as your nice-ish about it:)  So, there you go, if anyone actually ends up reading this story (which I will be quite surprised about). 

I hope you like it:)


The morning sun blazed through the French windows of the den and each member of The Untouchables sat around the glass coffee table, lost in thought. There were five of them, all completely different characters and personalities. At first glance they may seem a very cliché bunch, but there was far more to them than met the eye. What? You may ask, well if I told you that would spoil the story, wouldn't it?

With her head propped up on her wrist, leaning over a page scribbling at a diagram, was Abbie. At five foot four Abbie was the shortest of the bunch, and she was always reminded of it. She had taken to wearing heeled shoes quite often because of the time she had been mistaken for a girl scout in the middle of a mission. She could still remember the feeling of heat crawling up her neck as she remembered the scout leader ushering her into a line of giggling twelve year olds, wondering how she could possibly break away without breaking her cover. Abby had a pretty face with shoulder length brown hair, which she had taken to curling when she felt in the mood. Abby was the mother of the group. Whenever one of them stepped out of line or put themselves in a dangerous situation, they knew they would have to deal with Abbie's wrath when they got home.  And when the group were abroad on missions etc. and had their own apartments, everyone would always end up at Abbie's somehow where they would be taken care of by the mother hen.  

She finished the diagram and leaned over to the worker next to her, who was working determinedly at coding for a new computer database. He had a degree in computer engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering and database architecture. His name was Charlie Evans and he too was a genius, and a valuable member of the group.  And, when I say 'genius' I mean GENIUS.  Charlie was slightly taller than Abbie but would still have never been confused for a child – in fact adults had been known to avoid him – they were kind of terrified of him, actually. You see, adults are terrified of a few things: Their children growing up and leaving them, their children forming relationships, their children proving them wrong and their children being smarter than them. The last one is a rare occurance for most people - but not Charlie. His parents had been relieved to send him off to work at the CIA meaning he would be off their hands and they could concentrate on their more... normal children.  Abbie leaned over Charlie's page and added a dot to the top of one of the i's. Abbie hated when people forgot to dot the i's.

Across from them, sat a very concentrated Logan. Was he, too, working on impossible diagrams and coding for databases, you may wonder? Well, upon looking closer you would see a detailed drawing of his 1985 Chevrolet Corvette with custom colours of red and black with the letters LOG W on the license plate, for Logan Walters. Logan was the tallest of the group, standing at 6"1, to his pride. He had blond hair and very blue eyes – he was the kid in school that everyone loved.  The one that could get away with murder as long as he flashed that megawatt smile and ran a hand through that messy blond hair. Yeah. That kind of person. He wasn't a genius like Abbie or Charlie but had attended the Special Defense and Combat Training School in Washington until he was 16. It was run strictly and had made him tough, but not mean.  Logan was kind and sweet and always had a simple plan and a sensible mind.  He was seen as the unproclaimed leader of the group.  Everyone looked up to him and respected him - and although they wouldn't want to admit it - they kind of relied on him.

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