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Arriving at the classroom, Minjee look around seeing nobody else except her as she walk towards her seat and settle down her things before opening her phone. The high school is empty except for some janitors cleaning here and there.

Her school always open early 'cause the teachers often went before 5 which is a good thing for the bookworms who always went to school early hoping to revising things before class started but fortunately, Minjee is not that kind of people.

She's the kind to be careless about anything. She always work her best before tests, reviewing whenever she got the time to, but when the day come, she just do it simply without stressing with anything.

At the end, she still got best marks 'cause she straight up is clever with both her parents being the known scientist.

Anyway, back to the story, the girl was just scrolling through her media social when she felt presence behind her. Like in horror movies, she turn around slowly till she saw a silhouette.

Not just any silhouette, it was her annoying best friend who smile at her like a creep and sat down beside her when she glare at him.

"What's up" Hyunwoo smile innocently while Minjee roll her eyes leaning on the chair, facing the front "Don't what's up me. Why did you ignore my text? I'm so worried for you"

She side eyes him judgementally. Seeing this, he chuckle and ruffle her hair "I'm sorry, training got longer than usual and I was really tired from it that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. Plus, you know how I am when sleeping"

He gave her a knowing look while she hit his arm. It was true, Hyunwoo is a deep sleeper and he could sleep the whole year if he want to.

"Whatever, just don't overworked yourselves. It worries me" he nodded at her and start pulling out things needed for the class.

Minjee and Hyunwoo's relationship is weird. The were like siblings but at the same time like a couple. The way they both react when they see each other make people think they're a happy couple.

But of course, none of them ever think about that to each other. They see each other as a close siblings with some teasing remarks thrown here and there for fun.

"Have you done revising for the test yet?" Hyunwoo's eyes widen as she look at her in shock. "Wait, we have a test today? How come I don't know?!" She snorted.

"As expected Hyunwoo" He send her a glare and quickly open the text book to start reviewing.

"Hyung!" Yell Jungwoo as he ran toward Taeil who's just drinking his coffee. "What" the younger pant as he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"Hyung, dad scheduled a meeting tonight" the older look at him blankly "And?" Jungwoo make himself comfortable on the other side of his hyung and lean back to the cushions.

"I heard it's about mate" this time, Taeil choked on his coffee, looking at the younger in disbelief. "What do you mean mate? I thought we already talk about this to him?!"

Jungwoo sigh and look at the ceiling "I thought so too" but the older is still confused at this. The 23 of them has talk to their dad about this.

They didn't want him to hit them up with another werewolves. Especially omega. The thought of being together with omega sent shiver down his back. Omega is not bad. They're just.... A little sensitive for his liking.

They tend to be very cringy and get hurt easily. And they also is too demanding. There is this one time where all each of them gone on date with an omega.

Alpha Prince And A Villager • nct 2020 Where stories live. Discover now