Ch.32 Drunk in Love

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Mischa's POV

When I woke up I pretended that nothing happened the night when I begged Heaven to kiss me, I hoped that a kiss can make her remember me but it didn't. It hurts so much that she declined when I told her to kiss me, I tried my best to act nonchalant but my eyes betrayed me when my tears started to fall, It hurts more because I know that she only kissed me because she pities me. I'm experiencing all the pain that I caused her when she's so in love with me, karma's really a bitch.

Today is a busy day because the whole student org needs to set up the auditorium for a concert. The higher years are gonna perform by course, it's a concert for a cause.

When I arrived everybody's busy with their task. I searched for heaven and saw her sitting on the mixer area.

"Pres, what's my task?" I asked her while tying my hair bun style.

"Help Maggie with the microphone and wires" she said while pointing to her direction.

"Maggie? What is she doing here?" I asked her frowning.

"She joined the club. What's wrong?" She asked me confused.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised" I said and stared walking to her direction.

She's not surprised when she saw me.

"Good morning" she greeted me flatly. I didn't respond, I started putting the microphones on their stand and checked if it's fine. She didn't talk to me afterwards, we did our tasks in silence. After an hour I decided to talk to her when I remember what Heaven told me at the beach.

"Why did you tell to Heaven that she fell in love with you?" She's obviously shocked when I asked her that. She must have thought Heaven won't tell me.

"Nothing, I just feel the need to" she said as she started putting the wires on the corner.

"Need to what? Annoy me? Take advantage of Heaven's condition? Maggie you know that we fought be--" she raised her hand in front of me to stop me from talking.

"You being judgmental and jumping into conclusions made Heaven like that. Never in my life I would take advantage of the person that I loved" I'm hit by what she said. I calmed myself and sighed.

"Then why do you have to tell Heaven that lie?" I whispered when I saw that is looking at us.

"You know Heaven. She's persistent, if I didn't tell her that I'm the girl that she fell in love with do you think she'll stop looking for her?" I didn't respond.

"She won't right? What if she'll found out that it's you what will you do huh? She'll be devastated. All she knows is that her mind and heart only longs for King, she also knows that your her brother's girlfriend. You said you already gave her up to King. I'm helping the both of you here" she said in annoyed tone. What she said is true, I suddenly felt guilty and ashamed for confronting her, if there's one person that cared so much to Heaven aside from me it's her.

"I'm sorry" I said while shaking my head.

"I know you love her but it's too late now, Unless you're gonna make up your mind and fight for her but the way I see it there are lot of things that's been holding you back" I admire the toughness that she's been acting right now. I smiled, a genuine one.

"Yeah a lot of things, it's hard to be in my place" I muttered before helping her with the wires.

"I'd do anything to be in your place Mischa" what she said made me frown.

"Why? We're the same now" I said snorting.

"No we're not. I know Heaven was not convinced when I told her that I'm the girl. The mind forgets but the feelings don't" she said sadly while touching her chest. I tapped her head to comfort her.

I wished for a Boyfriend not a Girlfriend (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now