Chapter seventeen: Sam and Jenna

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Chapter seventeen: Sam and Jenna

Jenna is not ment to be Amelia from the current season, she's my own character.


I woke up sweaty, this can't be happening. The dreams are back with all their glory. I pushed myself off the bed feeling a sogginess to the touch. I looked at the bed sheets. They were flooded with two large splotches of blood where my arms were. Horrified I looked to my arms. I had scratched the skin so hard that my arms looked like I dragged them across the road while being pulled by an airplane. I ran to the bathroom and stuck my arms under some cold water. The icy liquid bit my skin making it numb. I looked through some cabnets and drawers until I found some spare sheets. I cut them up and wrapped it around my stinging arm, then put a large hoodie over to cover up the wounds.

It was almost sunset and I was wide awake wondering what I should do. Considering the hatetred Dean had for his brother right now I'm pretty sure he wouldn't try and help. I didn't have Sams number so I couldnt ask him where he was. There was only one option I could find call Joseph.

I stood up "alright Joseph I need a favor."

"you called?" he said sitting on the small table and chair I had.

"yes, do you know where Sam is?"

"sure I do," he spoke simply, picking his nails.

"can you take me there."

"sure I can."

"alright then."

"not so fast little lady what do I get," he stood up quicky.

"I've got a two hundred dollar gucci purse," I answered sarcastically

"very funny."

"well if you think I'm going to open lucifers cage then..."

"oh no even I know that's too much."

"then what do you want," I persisted.

"I'll ask you two questions and you have to answer them truthfully."

"alright easy enough."

"do you trust me?"

"hhhhhmmmm no."

"do you trust Dean?"


"wow very amusing."

"how exactly is that amusing?"

"because every time I've met you I haven't lied but how much do you really know about your brother because I tell you right now hes keeping something from you, haven't you wondered why he suddenly wants you to hunt with him". I thought about it but the idea seemed ridiculous. Of course Joseph lied, he lied from the very begining, but I was still intrested in what he had to say.

"what do you mean," I started. Before I could even finish asking the question I was outside in front of a bright white one story house. I was in the glowing ray of sunlight in a typical white picket fence neighborhood. Kids were running and playing around a small coldisac. Parents sat talking with lemonade and lawnmowers. Old people were walking about or sitting on their porches knitting. What the heck was Sam doing here? I walked up to the front door. The mat in front of the door was turned a little releaving some mark on the ground. I push the mat out of the way to find a devils trap. This was definately Sam's house. A rang the door bell a few times and waited. A brown haired woman answered the door. She had on an expensive jacket and some Ralph lauren pants, Something I would have worn a year ago.

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