poem 16 ig

17 3 11

[A/N - hii guys its been so long.. I'd taken a break from wattpad and I've been in a block for a while... I finally wrote this a month ago or so.. let me know how it is]

[A/N 2 - hope you get the reference too ;) ]

I would never lie to you is the biggest lie

Cause baby I can't help but lie

I lie so much it's hard to figure out the truth

I told you I loved you

Maybe that was a lie as well

I lie so much even I can't tell the difference

You know you've lost your way when even the fabricator can't tell them apart

When you lie to one and end up having to the world because one misstep, one difference in the lie perceived as the truth and the cover is blown

The big lies, the ones you can never tell anyone that they were anything but the truth

Since if you say that they were lies, your whole world may collapse on you

Collapse so hard, backs turned towards you and no where to go

I've found lies to be a burden but also the easiest truth

The lies never feel like a fib to the hearer

As the one who spoke is a practiced Liar

The speaker may even have a silver tongue

It's burden when you can't tell anyone you lied, as its the end of the world as you know it

The world that was never yours but you made it to be

So the lie becomes the truth and over time the truth is fabricated ever so delicately into the lie that there isn't a single doubt that it was nothing but the truth

In the end no doubts remain, the liar is a cheat and fraud and at the end of the day they win

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