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August 29th 2022

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August 29th 2022. It's been a year since her death, and today, I finally avenge her.

For the past year, I've been gathering information on how to do this, and I've planned to the last, smallest detail. Nothing will be left to chance.

I'm in my car, looking at the empty road, in front of me, as the sun starts to rise. Salvio is in the passenger seat. I managed to get him away from all his guards and I'm taking him to an apartment that I rented for today.

"Damiano, this isn't funny. What is this?" His faible voice, tries to mask the panic, trying to maintain the powerful facade. "I'm going to show you that I'm ready to take over."

We continue the drive, and get to the abandoned apartment. As soon as he gets out of the car, my gun (a gift I received from him for my fifth birthday) is pointed at his back.

"Walk, you old bastard."

"What are you doing? Sei matto?" In an attempt to raise his voice, he starts a coughing fit. I drag him by his shirt, uncaring that his body is corpse-like.

I lead him to the empty basement, where there's nothing, but a chair and three closed laptops. His hands are immediately tied behind his back, as soon as I place him on the chair.

He continues to act indifferently, but I pay him no mind, because that's what I want.

"You ordered one of your men to kill Simone." He lets out a laugh, it's sinister and dark. "You found out, it's about time."

"I loved her! And you killed her! You son of a bitch!" My fist connects with the side of his face, and his wrinkly skin rips apart, spilling blood, that quickly hits the dirty floor, alongside the tear that fell from my eye.

"You had a relationship with someone inferior, and your parents didn't intervene, so I did! Pure blood, will be the only thing that will be in our family. You threatened that when you got involved with that nigger. I took care of it."

Tired of hearing him spew hatred, I open the laptops on the small table.

The storages owned by Cosa Nostra show up, on the screen, which ignites the reaction from him that I wanted. The panic starts to set in.

"I knew killing you, wouldn't be enough, because you're months away from dying anyways. No, death isn't what you fear. What you fear, is to see the things you built fall apart. The mafia, Cosa Nostra, that's what you care about. So, I will kill you, but before I do that, I'll let you watch as everything that you built and love burns to the ground, at the hands of your successore."

"I called a meeting of all the 2000 people who work for you, so currently, about 1000 of your men are in Sicily, in this storage,"I point out the storage on the screen, "The remaining ones are in the remaining five. About 300 in the Florida's storage, 500 in the storage in Mexico, about 100 in the one in Russia, and couple in the ones in South African storage and storage in Korea."

He refuses to look away from the screen as I speak.

"When the boss of the Mafia calls, you answer, so everyone who works for you is there. And you did call, remember? Today is the day that you were supposed to introduce me as the new capo of Cosa Nostra. Instead, all of your workers are about to meet their fate.

It was way easier than I would've thought, but when you started introducing me to the ins and outs of this lifestyle, I started picking up things.

First, find allies. That was easy. There were enough people that joined to make you pay for something you did, that it wasn't hard finding 6 people who I could trust and that were willing to take all of this shit down.

Then, I had to find a way to ensure every single member of the organisation was there, and you did that for me. No one disobeys you. So, everyone, gathered. Found the closest storage to them, and went there.

That way, anyone who could possible want to take me out for doing this or may start it up again, is gone.

Finding substances that could kill hundreds or thousands without then realising is easy when you're in the mafia, so I did that.

Now, my people are each at one of these locations and as soon as I give the command, they'll close any possible exit, locking all of those people inside. No way to escape, because thanks to you, I know all of the exits.

Then, all of the storages will fill up with carbon monoxide. In quantities that will kill them, and when I see that all of them are dead, or almost dead, a fire will start. Pyre will completely fill the space, basically cremating all of them.

And you'll watch, unable to do anything."

I send the text to the six people who are helping me and the cameras switch to the inside of the building. It doesn't take long for people to start falling to the floor and dying, in every location.

"You won't be able to sleep, ever again, Greyson. What if there are innocent people in there. People who have never killed anyone."

"They joined an organisation that kills million of innocent people and is trafficking humans and illegal substances and weapons. Trust me, I won't be losing sleep. You taught me how to be ruthless."

I watch the screen as the lasts standing people start to visible become weaker. The next text is sent, and in little time, the storage in Sicily burst out in flames.

It's quickly followed by the other storages, which suffer the same fate.

For the next two hours, the buildings burn down, with everything inside.

I know no one is coming to help, because the storages are all hundred of miles away from the rest of population.

He's frantic, trying to get the knots on his wrist and ankles to undo, all in vain. He screams profanities and demands for me to free him, but I just sit back and enjoy.

My grandma calls, and I already know what this is about. "Greyson! They found the man that killed Simone, I need you to come to my house. Now."

It's almost done. This nightmare is about to end.

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