001- a hero demise

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"everybody knows....everybody knows....."

The war, they say, was necessary. Everyone believe that they are fighting for a right cause, they want to believe it. The uncomfortable truth, is that, well... the war could've been avoided.

But what's difference did it make? Because in the end, Kronos or Zeus, whoever get to sit on that olympus throne, still sit on the blood of their childrens. An empire, build of sacrificial goats that they called heroes. The casualties in the war did not inflicted even a flinch in the gods faces, the death of their offspring was simply seen as a much needed sacrifice to preserve the glory of olympus.

A tainted glory, traded by the flesh and blood of the innocents.

It was only for the half mortals who spend their time grieving those who left, some grieves for months, while some- forever.

The elephant in the room was ignored, everything went back to normal, well as normal as it can be for Camp Half-blood. Except the gods are now paying a tiny bit more attention to their children, so technically mommy and daddy issues is fix, yeah?

The false hope was once again up in the air.

War, even for the kids of Ares, was not fun. The visceral joy in seeing blood shed and the feeling of your weapon buried deeps in the enemie's flesh is short lived. The horrifying fascination of violence soon disappeared, as one by one, their siblings, their friends, their lovers fall.

War is not fun.

Especially when you lie in the cold dirty ground, a dagger plunge into your heart and the blood was on your lover's hand. Convulsing with seizure as you lay in the arms of the love of your life (or what it once was),

There stood our main character - Grace Callali in all her glory, Aphrodite spawn, champion of Ares- the god of war and courage. Some would've called her a hero for what she've done, killing one of Kronos' generals. Some would've called her a killer, a cold-blooded monster for killing her lover.

And there, also lied Aurora Solace, the lieutenant of Kronos's army, Apollo's daughter. Like Luke Castellan, Aurora was a respected senior at the camp, everybody loved the bubbly daughter of the sun god. And one demigod in particular, loved her more than everybody else. Their bond was unusal even for the demigods, it was as if this was the masterpiece of Aphrodite herself, a gift to her daughter. No, the gift turned out to be a cursed, Aurora's love for Grace was strong, but not strong enough to overcome her hatred for the gods and her father. So, the inevitable happened, Rory ran. She ran away from camp half-blood, leaving the daughter of aphrodite heart brokened.

Bright blond hair damped with blood and mud, Aurora would've liked to imagine a better place to die, or like, not die at all. But the Fates were never on their side, choking on her own blood, the girl managed a raspy giggle (which sounded more like a gurgle). Pretty sky-colored eyes, turbulent with emotions - adoration, pain, regrets, gods she regretted so many things, stared up at Grace's blood-shot hazels eyes, red with unshed tears. Caressing the beatened up warrior face, Aurora leaned in for the final kiss.

Copper, she tasted like copper in grace's mouth. The familiar cherry sweetness was hidden by the blood coaxing her tounge, a bit grotesque if grace have to admit - kissing the girl you've just kill, tasting her blood in your mouth.

"I'm sorry gracie, I am so sorry."

Not being able to utter a single word, grace callali limply nodded her head. Still holding painfullly tight on the solace's girl hand, as if battling her from thanatos.

"i love you"

And with a final breath, the once rosy cheeks paled, the once lively blue eyes dims and the smile that graced her lips ever so peacefully turns sorrowful.

"i love you too, rory-bear."

August 18, 2009, Aurora Marie Solace (age 16) - daughter of Lord Apollo, defeator of the chimera, general of the Titan Kronos - died in the arms of her lover.

August 18, 2009, Silena Beauregard (age 17) - daughter of Lady Aphrodite, killed by the Lydian Drakon in the Battle of Manhattan.

August 18, 2009, the Titan Kronos-in the form of Luke Castellan (age 22) died - killed by the hero Luke Castellan.

August 19, 2009, after the war, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grace Callali, Tyson, Thalia Grace, Clarisse La Rue and the prominent heroes in camp half-blood was rewarded by the gods. Perseus Jackson denied immortality, wishing that the gods would claim and not to abandon their children by the age of 13, all minor gods and Hades's children have a place in Camp Half-Blood, and that peaceful titans like Calypso to be released. Annabeth Chase was promoted to be the new architect of Olympus, Tyson joined his father's army as a general, Thalia joined the hunters of Artemis.

And finally Grace Callali, she wished Silena Beauregard and Aurora Solace to have a place in Elysium (despite what they've done, remarked Zeus begrudgingly). Ares was proud of his champion, gifted her another weapon, a giant golden Labrys that can generates electricity (like Clarisse's spear). Of course, Aphrodite didn't missed out a chance to lament- sorry, bless her daughter. As a reward, she have given the Callali girl a black credit card, stating in her shrill voice "now you can buy ALL the clothes you want my darling!"

the demigods returned to camp, and life goes on like it usually do. almost a happy ending, key word - almost.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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