Chapter 6

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Genevive has now been living at the Stafford estate for a week now and she really starts to feel at home

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Genevive has now been living at the Stafford estate for a week now and she really starts to feel at home.  She going in the garden where she sees her stepson Henry picking flowers with the maids so she smiles and walks over to them.  "What do you have there Henry?"  The maids bows to Genevive.  Henry walks closer to Genevive and shows her the flowers.  "I picked them for you" Genevive goes down on her knees "Aw, they're for me?" Henry nods and hands them to her.  She smiles and gives Henry a hug, he really is the sweetest boy.  

Back at the english court Agnes is walking through the halls when she sees Adam walking towards her. "Adam Beaumont. What do i owe pleasure"  Adam smiles "Can i talk to you, privately?"  Agnes nods "Of course"  Adam smiles and starts walking and she follows him to his study.  "So my lord, What did you wanna talk about"  Adam smiles "I know you're very close to my mother Anne"   Agnes smiles "Yes she's my best friend, what are you implying"  Adam chuckles "I know it's more than that"  Agnes for a second stops breathing "What are you talking about?"  Adam takes a step closer "As you and my mother have a preference for women.  I have a preference for men"  Agnes breath out a deep breath "How did you found out about us"   Adam chuckles and sits down "Well as long as i remember i have known my mother has not been happy with my father and that he is not the person she wants to be with and the only times i have seen her happy is when she's with you and i guess i just put the pieces together"

Agnes sits down next to him and chuckles and turns to look at him "So who's the lucky man?"  Adam chuckles "His name is Francis, we been together for 2 years"  Agnes smiles "Do you love him?"  Adam smiles "I do"  Adam stands up  "You can go now" Agnes nods and starts to leave the room but before that she turns to look at Adam "Is that why you haven't married yet. You don't wanna leave him?"   Adam just smiles and nods and Agnes leaves.  

Genevive has been feeling sick these last few days so she decides to go to the physician of the Stafford estate.  He lets her in and says to her to lay down so he can examine her.  After a few minutes he is done and tell her to sit up.  "My lady nothing is wrong with you. Congratulations you're pregnant"  Genevive looks at him shocked "I am pregnant"  The physician smiles "Yes.  Do you want me to tell lord Stafford?"   "No. I will tell him, tonight."  The physician smiles and nods. She can't believe she's pregnant

Agnes walks into Anne's chambers.  Anne's laying on the bed waiting for her.  Anne smiles "Finally"  Agnes lays herself on the bed and kisses Anne deeply.  Agnes pulls away "I was caught up"   Anne laughs "With what?"  Agnes sighes "Your son" Anne looks at her confused "Which one?"  "Adam"  Anne chuckles "What did he want?"  Agnes chuckles "He told me that he knows about us because of how cold you are usually"  Anne chuckles "Well he is not lying"  Agnes sits up "Why is that? Why are you so cold to them?" Anne scoffs "You know why so why are you asking me this"  Agnes sighes "Anne i love you so much. You're the love of my life but i have never understood why you have treated your children like you do"  Anne sighes and sits up "I treat them badly because i never wanted them, especially Genevive"   Agnes looks at her with sadness in her eyes "Why do you hate her so?"  Anne chuckles "She's always been perfect and i never wanted her in the first place, because i didn't want a daughter.  A daughter means i have to pay more attention to her and i didn't want that.  So when it was time for her to get married i decided that she should be just as miserable as i was so i refused her the chance to marry the prince, the man she loves"  Agnes looks at her shocked and stands up from the bed "What is wrong with you?"   Anne chuckles "I didn't want her to get the life i always dreamed of, It's not that bad"  Agnes chuckles "You might not have wanted her but she is your daughter.  You should have wanted her to be happy"  Anne sighes and looks up at Agnes "Well i don't"  Agnes sighes "I'm so dissapointed in you"  Agnes leaves Anne with her thoughts.  

Adam was in his chambers getting ready when there is a knock on the door. He opens it and none other than his lover, Francis is standing there.  Adam breaths out and smiles "It's you"  Francis smiles "Yes it's me.  Can i come in?" Adam smiles "Of course"  Francis comes and closes the door.  They smile at eachother and kiss.  After a while Adam pulls away and caresses Francis's left cheek  "I've missed you"  Francis smiles "I missed you too"  Adam smiles "You know i love you right?"  Francis smiles and chuckles "I know that and i love you too. What is this about?"  Adam sighes and sits down on the bed and Francis sits down next to him.   "You know the reason why i haven't gotten married or even bethrothed is because i don't wanna leave you. Maybe that' selfish i don't know i just don't wanna lose you"  Francis smiles and puts his hand on Adam's left cheek.  "I will never leave you and i'm bethrothed.  As much as we love eachother we can't not get married. That's the way of life"  Adam looks up "So getting married will not the change what we have?"  Francis smiles "Never" Adam smiles "God i love you"  He pulls Francis in and kisses him deeply and passionately 

Genevive is laying in bed reading a book waiting for her husband.  Finally the door opens and Edward shows up he closes the door after him.  He gets himself ready and goes to the bed and lay next to Genevive.  Genevive turns to Edward, now it's time to tell him. "Honey, I have something to tell you" Edward turns to  look at her "What is it?"  Genevive takes a deep breath "I have been feeling ill these last few days so i went to the physician"  He looks at her worried "Are you okay?"  Genevive smiles "I'm fine.  Actually i'm more than fine. You see i'm pregnant"  Edward looks at her shocked "You're pregnant, we're having a baby?"  Genevive smiles and nods "We're having a baby"  Edward sighes and happily and brings her into a hug.  Genevive is so happy but she knows someone very close to her that is not gonna be that pleased when he hears the news, Haryy,

A new chapter is out. i'm hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts 

Timothy Innes as Francis Bedford

Timothy Innes as Francis Bedford

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