Chapter 23

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August, 1511

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August, 1511

Genevive and Isabel were walking to Jacob's  chambers.  When they arrived to the door,they started knocking.  First they got no answer.   They kept knocking until..  "Go away!"  they heard Jacob shouting.  now was Genevive frustrated, they didn't have time for this.   She went to a guard who stood close.  "Open Jacob Beaumont's chambers."   the guard looks at her unsure what to do.  "My lady.. i"   she doesn't let him finish.  "I am duchess of buckingham, you will open my brother's chambers."  the guard looks at her and nods.  they walk to Jacob's chambers where Isabel is waiting.  He takes one of his keys and opens the door.  

Jacob hears the door open and he is not happy.  "I said.."  He starts shouting  but as he turns around he sees his sister and oldest child and he can tell something is wrong.  He stands up and starts walking  towards them.  "Is something wrong?"  Genevive sighes and walks towards her brother and stops when she is standing right infront of him.  "Jacob, i am so sorry for what happened to Edith, you know that.  But our father is dying."   He looks at her shocked.  "Father is dying? I thought he was getting better."   Genevive shakes her head.  "I thought so too but he's not.  And when father is gone you are the head of our family and i need to know that we can count on you like i have always been able to."  Jacob looks at her with tears in his eyes before pulling her into a hug.  "You can.  I'm sorry."  Genevive nods before pulling away.  "It's okay."  

Jacob walks up to Isabel.  "I'm sorry, I.."  But she cuts him off.  "Father, we can talk later.  But now we need to see Grandfather."  He smiles and nods.  They walk out of Jacob's chambers.  Now to their father and grandfather.  

They walk into their father and grandfather chambers where they see their father and grandfather dying.  Adam and George are standing by the bed, Genevive can see that her brothers have been crying.  She takes Jacob's hand they walk to their father together, Isabel is behind them.  There is no sign of their mother but Genevive hadn't expected her to be here. 

"Father?"  Genevive can feel herself fighting the tears from streaming down her face.  James smiles at her.  "Genevive, Jacob.  All my children are here."   He looks at Jacob.  "Jacob, come here."  Jacob takes a deep breath and walks closer to him.  

"Father."  James smiles.  "I'm dying, i'm gonna die today.  And i know life has been hard for you recently  but i need you to take your place as the head of our family, can you promise that."  Jacob is crying.  "Yes, father."  James nods, he takes a deep breath, they can tell it's coming close to the end.   Adam is crying, looking at their father.  "Do you want us to send for mother."  Genevive looks at her brother angry.  "Adam, don't."   Adam looks at her.  "What?  She is his wife."  Genevive is now annoyed.  "She has..."  But their father cuts her off.  "Genevive, Adam, please.  No fighting."   Genevive and Adam nods.  "Sorry, father."  James looks at them.  "If your mother wanted to be here, she would be."  

They have now been there for two hours and they can see their father is starting to slip away.  "Father?"  Genevive asks worried with tears in her eyes.  "My children, my grandchildren.  I have had a good life and i know you all are gonna make me so proud."  He looks at his oldest child.  "Jacob, my first born."  Jacob takes a step closer, with tears streaming down his face.  "Yes, father?"   James takes a deep breath.  "Take care of our family."   James closes his eyes and they watch as their father and grandfather takes their last breath.   Isabel walks up to her father and takes his hand.  All you can hear is cries.    

A few minutes later, they suddenly hear the door open.  They turn to the door and there they see their mother and grandmother walking in.  Anne looks at the bed where her husband is laying, lifeless.  Genevive is furious to see her here.   "What are you doing here?"  She says as she walks to her mother.   Anne sighes.  "Genevive."  Genevive cuts her off.  "No! You hate him, why are you here?"  

Anne looks at her.  "Okay, Genevive listen.  My marriage to your father has not been good, that's not a secret to any of you but don't put the blame on me.  Neither of us were perfect.  But i have been married to your father for 37 years.  I came to england when i was 14.  I never wanted to marry your father that's true.  But i have spent almost my entire life with him.  I just never thought he wouldn't be here.  So let me grieve atleast the life we have had."   Genevive scoffs and storms out.   

Genevive walks quickly to her room and when she gets to the door, she open it quickly and as soon as she are in, she closes it.  She slids down the door and sits on the floor and starts crying and it feels like she will never stop.  Her father is gone.  

December, 1511

It's now been two months since Genevive's father death and it's now time for his funeral.  Genevive is now at the end of her pregnancy and she knows she will go in labour any day, she could do it today but she knows she won't miss her father's funeral.  Edward is holding her arm as they walk to the church together.  But suddenly she feels a sharp pain.  "Ah."  Edward stops to look at her.  "What is it?"  Genevive takes a deep breath and look at her husband.  "I think the baby is coming."   Edward nods.  "Okay, let's get you back to bed."  But Genevive stops.  "Wait. It's just.."  She sighes.  "It's my father's funeral, i don't wanna miss it."  

Edward sighes.  "I think your father will understand and your father wouldn't want you to die on his cost.  Now let's get you back to bed and we will have our baby."   Genevive takes a deep breath.  "Okay, let's have our baby."  


James is dead :(  And Genevive is in labour.  Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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