Chapter 12

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Agnes had now arrived in London

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Agnes had now arrived in London.  So terrifed what state she would find her son Thomas in.  She steps out of the carriage, she's home.   The first person she sees is her husband Anthony.  He smiles at her.  He pulls her into a hug, tightly.  It feels always safe in his arms.   She pulls away "How is he?"  Anthony sighes "Not that good, it doesn't look that well"  Agnes takes a deep breath "Please show me to him"  Anthony nods.  "They walk into the house and up to Thomas room.  The door is closed.  Anthony turns to her.  "I will leave you to talk with him alone"  Agnes smiles and nods.  Anthony walks downstairs. Agnes takes a deep breath.  Knocks at the door and then hear a weak voice saying "Come in" Agnes sighes and open the door.  

There is her son Thomas, laying in bed not looking so good.  He turns to look at her and smiles. "Mom?" Agnes's eyes are already watering.  She walks up to him.  "How are you my baby? "  He coughs.  "Not that good.  She sits down on the bed and caresses his cheek.   "Have you eaten anything?"  He shakes her head and she sighes.  "Honey you need to eat to get better"  Thomas just shakes his head "I just don't have  the energy to eat"  Agnes smiles at him in pity and nods.  

Agnes takes a hold of his left hand.  "Baby you know i love you right?"  Thomas nods.  She sighes "Honey how long have you been sick, just a few months yes?"  Thomas looks down which makes Agnes concerned "Thomas?"  After a moment he sighes "No"  Now she is even more worried "Thomas, how long?"  He doesn't answer.  "How long!"  "For a year!" He shouts out.  Agnes feel tears forming in her eyes, she can't believe it.  "A year?!"  Thomas starts crying "I'm sorry.  You were so happy and i didn't wanna ruin it, should have told you from the beginning"  Agnes takes a deep breath "Why didn't you tell me?  Why didn't your father tell me?"Thomas sighes "Because i asked him not to."  Agnes looks at her son shocked.  "Why?"  He takes a hold of her right hand "Because you were so happy and i didn't wanna ruin anything for you"  Agnes sighes and pulls away from her son's grasp and puts both her hand on both of his cheeks.   "Okay now you listen to me.  You couldn't ruin anything.  I would leave everything for you and your brother and sisters.  You guys mean everything to me"  Thomas starts sobbing and Agnes brings him into a hug "You will be fine, nothing will happen to you, do you hear me?" He nods but still he's not sure.   Agnes is not that sure either.  

Back at the english court.  Claudia has been avoiding George ever since she saw him with that woman.  She hates this, knowing how much she loves him. Arthur was away with Catherine so she couldn't talk to him.   She was walking towards the gardens, caressing her belly.  When suddenly she sees Genevive.  Genevive walks up to her.  "Hi"  Claudia smiles "Hi"   Genevive looks at her and then takes a deep breath. "Claudia may i ask you something?"  Claudia smiles but still looks unsure "Sure"   Genevive looks at her with pity "Has something happened  between you two?  I haven't seen you two together these last few days."   Claudia sighes.  "I don't really wanna talk about this"   Genevieve tries to take a hold of Claudia's hand but Claudia doesn't let her.  "Claudia please.  George is my brother but you're both family to me.  I just wanna know"  Claudia takes a breath, if she wanna know then fine.   "I saw your brother kissing another woman"  Genevive is shocked, she can't believe what's she hearing.  "It can't be true..."  Claudia cuts her off "I saw what i saw.  I saw George's lips pressed against hers"   Genevive takes a deep breath "I understand you're very upset and have every right to be but i know George loves you so talk to him"    Claudia looks at her shocked, how can she asked that of her "I saw them kissing, i don't need to hear his explanation."   Genevive sighes "Please.  Just talk to him"  Claudia sighes and looks down for a minute before looking back at her again.  "Fine." 

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