Chapter 4

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Jesus, this man has more money than sense, "NO, Park Jimin, it was way too much. You could've given me $20, and I would have been good. I don't need money, though. Some people are just nice, you know."

He looked at her like she was crazy, then looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Grey. I don't know what to say."

"Jimin, it's fine. You don't owe me anything. Are you hungry? I was about to make dinner."

He shook his head, no, but his stomach was telling a different story.

"What do you feel like eating?"

He thought for a second, "How about I order pizza?"

Grey gave him a big smile, "Sounds great, I love pizza!"

He got his phone out and placed an order, "It'll be here in 20!"

"Want to watch some Pokemon while we wait?"

He finally gave her his smile, which captured so many hearts on stage. She started the episode they were on when he was there last night. They settled in and just enjoyed being next to each other in silence. You'd think it would be awkward, but it wasn't. Ten minutes later, they heard a knock on the door. "It's kinda early for the pizza, isn't it?" she asked.

He nodded but got up to answer the door anyway, "Jk, Tae, what are you doing here?"

"Hyung, we thought you'd be here. Can we come in before someone sees us?" Jungkook asked.

He looked at her to see what she would say: "Come on in, guys; Jimin ordered pizza if you are hungry."

"Sweet, I'm starving," Tae said with his boxy grin. They both gave her a look as they noticed she was on the bed, and it was obvious that Jimin had been sitting there with her.

Grey heard Jimin mumble that he didn't order enough for them, which made her giggle. She patted the bed and told them to get comfy. They all squished together and watched TV until the pizza arrived. When it did, Jimin answered the door again, and Tae whined that there wasn't enough. "Well, maybe because I ordered it for Grey and me, and you guys showed up unannounced."

He started to pout a bit. "Tae, don't worry. I can cook something if we need more food." The boys devoured the pizza in five minutes. She got up and started making some fish and rice. It didn't take her long, so once it was done, she had all three of them staring at her like she had just landed on a plane.

They took the plates of food she offered and devoured it before she could even sit down to eat hers, "Geez guys, are you starving? I have some kimchi in the fridge, and I can make some ramen if you want?"

They nodded their heads, and she got up to make it. Jimin walked over to her and said, "I'll make it; you go eat. You haven't been able to eat anything yet." She was going to resist, but he gave her his gorgeous smile again.

"Okay," she might have blushed a bit. But she sat down and ate the fish and rice.

"Grey, how old are you?" Jungkook asked.

She might have choked on her food a bit, "21."

"I'm your Oppa then; well, all of us are."

Grey nodded, "Do you want me to call you Oppa or?"

His ears turned red, it was adorable, "If you want to you can."

She turned to Jimin, "It just dawned on me that I haven't used honorifics with you. I'm sorry about that."

Grey heard him mumble, "You can call me Oppa, too, if you want."

She looked down at the food and kept eating. Jimin brought the ramen over to the table, and they all started eating out of the pan. They laughed and joked; it was nice having people there. She was an only child, and her parents always traveled for work, so she was always alone.

She was lost in thought, but she must have been smiling. Jimin leaned over and asked, " Why are you smiling?"

She shook me out of my thoughts, "Oh, I was just thinking how nice it is having you guys here. Growing up, I was an only child, and my parents were always gone. It's nice having noise going on around me."

He nodded as if he understood: "It's nice getting to come here; it's not as crazy as the apartment."

The other two had stopped talking and were watching them; she blushed again and then got up to clean their mess. "Here, let me help," Jungkook said.

"Uh, thanks, Oppa," she said barely above a whisper. Grey heard Jungkook suck in a breath, and then he looked at her with a look she couldn't explain.

"Here, I'll take the trash out," Tae said.

"Oppa, thank you," she said.

Grey heard someone growl but wasn't sure who; Jimin was quietly frowning. After they were done cleaning, they said that they had to go.

"Okay, thanks for coming by," Grey told them, and she meant it. She would have to invest in some furniture if they were starting to hang out there all the time.

The next day at work, she was scrolling through ads looking for cheap couches, and her boss noticed, "Hey, you know the couch in the back? I wanted to toss it for a while; you can have it if you want."

"Really? Thank you so much."

He even offered to help her get it home. He was a great boss. He loaded it and brought it into her house when her shift ended. As he left, she noticed someone standing down the street a bit. He was holding several plastic bags. When he started walking towards her, she saw it was Jungkook.

Grey raised her hand to wave at him, and he ran over. When he got inside, he removed the mask and glasses. "Who was that just now?"

"Oh, my boss. Look what he gave me!" She turned and pointed to the new couch in the living area.

He looked at where she was pointing. "Oh, that was nice of him," he was smiling now compared to his frown earlier. I brought some food. I thought since we ate so much of yours, I should replace it," he said, picking up the bags in his hands.

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