Chapter 25

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He put several bags into the backseat, "Jimin," she whispered. She was so scared this was going to ruin them.

"What is it, girlie?"

"Paparazzi, they took pictures of us. It's on the news. Joon wants us home right now." He drove so fast that it was scaring her more than the paps were. They rushed in, and everyone sat in the living room watching the TV.

'It looks like Superstar Park Jimin from BTS is off the market. He was spotted driving around Seoul with an unknown female. He was holding and kissing her hand and kissing her on the lips; there was no way they could say she was just a friend or employee. We'll keep you updated.'

Yoongi whipped his head to them, he was pissed. "You just had to take her out? Now the whole world knows. Army is going to be, God, they shouldn't have found out like this."

They were all too busy yelling to notice that she left. She had to leave there; her worst fears were coming true. She took a cab and cried the whole way.

"Wait, where's Grey?"

They all looked to where she stood last, but she wasn't there. They spread out and searched the house, "she's not here, and she's not answering the phone."

She knew they would come for her, so she hid. Grey found a seedy motel, and there, she cried herself to sleep. She woke up around 3 am, turned her phone on, and missed many calls and messages. Her phone rang again. " Hello," she whispered.

"Where are you, Grey?"

"Where you can't find me, Hobi."

"Why did you run?"

She took a deep breath, trying not to cry again. "You know why I ran Hobi. The one thing I never wanted to do was cause issues. You guys were fighting because of me, and Army will be upset because of me. I never wanted that."

"Fuck that, you ran because you were scared. You are scared about how much you love us; you are terrified about it. Is Army upset? Of course, but they'll get over it. As long as we are happy, that's enough for them. The ones that are pissed aren't Army. You didn't cause us to fight; we were just upset that you were exposed. We don't want you to get hurt, and there are people out there who would love nothing more than to hurt the woman we love."

Grey was crying now; she knew he could hear the sniffles. "Where are you? I'm coming to get you."

"NO," she yelled. "You can't come here. If someone saw it, it would be all over the news."

He sighed, "I can send Jimin; everyone already thinks you two are dating."

"Is he mad at me?"

"No, girlie, he's worried, that's all. If anything, he thinks you are mad at him. Yoongi too. They've been crying ever since we realized that you left."

"I'll text you the address. I'm sorry, Hobi."

"Just come home."

Thirty minutes later, Jimin knocked on the motel room door, "It's me."

He was wearing all black, with a hat and mask on. His hoodie was pulled up as well. His eyes were so red and puffy. He pulled her into his arms as soon as she opened the door. He kept repeating that he was sorry. 

Grey pulled him into the room and shut the door. It would take him a while to settle down, and she had to be at work at 6. There was no point in her even trying to sleep at this point, so she just held him. She held him while he sobbed and apologized repeatedly. But he shouldn't be sorry; he didn't do anything wrong. She did; she allowed them to continue being in her life because she was selfish.

She didn't want to return to the greyscale world, but she should have. She should have left them alone, left them to continue being the superstars that they are.

When her alarm went off, she was still awake. She shut it off and gently shook his shoulder. "Jiminie, I need to go to work, and you have to get home."

He groaningly complained about his fatigue: "Just stay here, please. I'm exhausted."

Grey kissed his forehead, "I know you are, but I have to go, and you need to too. Come on."

He sat up and finally was on board, "I'll take you to work."

"Drop me off at my apartment first; I need to change."

She could tell he didn't want to leave her. "Jimin, I will see you later. I promise."

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

She quickly showered and changed. When she got to work, everything was fine until around 10 am. That's when she was recognized. "It's you, isn't it? You are the girl who's dating Park Jimin. Why the hell is he dating trash like you? I mean, you work here and look like that. Ugh, I'm a way better match for him."

Grey just gave her a blank face, "can I get you anything else?"

"Oh, so you are rude too. Well be prepared bitch, it's about to rain down hell upon you."

She didn't know what she meant, but in less than 30 minutes, there was a crowd outside. They were protesting, and it was getting a tad scary. Even the news showed up at one point. Her phone kept going off. The guys were trying to get a hold of her, but she couldn't even answer.

Grey didn't want them to show up; that would only confirm this whole thing, and she was not ready for that. When her shift was over, her boss snuck her out the back, and she ran all the way to her apartment.

"Grey, are you okay?"

She whipped around, "Tae, what are you doing here?"

"We were worried. We saw the news, and you didn't answer your phone."

"Do they know that you are here?" He nodded no, and she sighed, "Tae, you have to go back before someone sees you."

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