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"Hi, you've reached Isabel Garcia; I'm currently unavailable to take your call, but please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I was greeted by moms answering machine for what felt like the thousandth time since school let out.

"Hey mom," I greet her after the phone beeps, signaling for me to start my message, "Um, I was just calling to check-in, it's been a while..." I've barely talked to mom and dad since they left, and every time we did it was rushed due to how busy their schedule is, "I just wanted to tell you, I ended up auditioning for the musical, and I got in."

The first thing I did as soon as I learned my role was call my parents; it had gone to voicemail then too, but I was optimistic they'd call me back. Unfortunately, they hadn't... so now, here I am, sharing my exciting news over voicemail, "I'm playing the Enchantress, you know the character who curses the beast?" I ask, even though I won't receive an immediate answer, "um, so yeah, that's it; I just wanted to update you on how things are going over here... maybe we can facetime over the weekend? Bella misses seeing you," I do too, I want to say but don't; I get that my parents are busy, between teaching multiple classes a day, mentoring students, and grading work they had no free time, "I love you guys, bye."

I hang up before sitting on the park bench nearby; I was supposed to be meeting my friends at Salt Lake slices across the street for a celebratory dinner, but I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate anymore... I know my parents don't mean to shut me out and that this is their dream, but I can't help but feel a little abandoned; they're the parents; they're the ones who should be putting in the effort to call me.

I ran my fingers through my hair; maybe I could just go back to the Caswells, say I'm feeling sick? Before I could think too much about bailing, my phone rang on my lap, it was an unknown number; maybe mom and dad were calling from a home line, or they had to get new numbers? Optimism rushed through me as I answered, crossing my fingers that it was them, "Hello."

"Rory, hey, where are you?" It was EJ, whose number I'd deleted a long time ago; I'd told him at his place I had some things I needed to do before dinner, which hadn't been a complete lie; I wanted to call my parents a few more times... mostly though I didn't want to sit in an awkward car ride with him if I could avoid it.

Before I could answer, another voice rang through the speaker, "is that Ro?" Big Red asked, in an excited manner, "my mom's waiting for her to come so she can hand out our cupcakes; she made a special one just for her."

I'd had every intention of lying to EJ and going home; I wasn't in the mood to celebrate, but I couldn't after hearing what Big Red said; she'd put effort into something for me, which wasn't something that happened very often, "I'll be there in a minute, I'm across the street." I told EJ before hanging up the phone.

Within seconds I was at the doors of Salt Lake slices, the bell ringing over my head as I entered the pizzeria owned by Big Red's family; I found my friends in booths by the windows, "Rory," a few of them sang out in unison.

"Aurora's there?" Nini's voice came out of the speaker on Ricky's phone, which was currently in Ashlyn's hand.

I slid into the seat Beside Ashlyn, leaning my head on her shoulder so Nini could see me, "Hi Neens," I smiled, "how's school?"

She shrugged, "it's good, but it's school, so..." She dragged off, I nodded, "I've heard everyone's roles but yours," She changed the subject, "who are you playing?"

"Easily the most important role in the show," Gina responded, leaning over to look at the screen, "The Enchantress."

"How is that more important than Belle and the Beast?" I asked, shaking my head with amusement.

"Well, without you, The Beast would have stayed a spoiled, selfish Prince, meaning he'd never meet Belle, and there would be no story," Gina explained, as if it were obvious.

"Huh," Ricky nodded, from across from me, "that's true; I guess Rory's character really is the most important."

"That's awesome, Rory," Nini smiled, nodding her head, "I'm so excited for you."

"Thanks, Neens," Before she could reply, a warning flashed across Ricky's screen, "oh, Ricky, your phone's gonna die," I shoot Nini a quick wave before handing the phone back to her boyfriend.

"Before you get dessert, mom gets a picture," Mrs. Red announced, walking out with a tray of cupcakes, figurines of our characters decorating the top of them, "that's the rule."

Besides Big Red's attempt at saying no, the rest of us squeezed together, all wearing cheesy grins as she took our photo, "and... it's cute." She squealed, nodding her head in approval before walking back into the kitchen.

As the night went on, the worry about my parents faded; just because they're busy and can't call doesn't mean they're abandoning me, despite how that had happened with other people in the past...

Aurora is playing the enchantress!! shout out to euphoricphantoms Squidneydafish dailys1mp -loveleo Williams360 and tfbherron ! Thanks for voting💜
this is just a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway; Aurora def suffers from fear of abandonment, which is why she has such a hard time forgiving EJ... so even though this chapter is short, it def gives some insight into her struggles and anxieties, which will play a huge part in this book.
Also... next few chapters are valentines day, so be prepared for some adorable Rory and EJ content... what do y'all hope to see from this book? any specific moments or scenes you hope will happen? I love hearing from y'all!

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