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"Aurora, EJ's here!"

I lept out of bed as soon as my mom's voice rang through the house; it had been a couple of weeks since we got together and a couple of days since I'd last seen him.

He and his dad went on a trip to tour college campus', and even though they were barely gone a week, I missed EJ more than anything. It was weird going from seeing him every day to not seeing him for a few days, though I guess it's something I will have to get used to once he chooses which school he wants to go to.

I'd hoped EJ would be waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, ready for me to jump into his arms; but when I got down there, he was nowhere to be seen, "he's in the kitchen," Mom nodded her head in the direction he went in, "Bella wanted to show him something."

I laughed slightly, nodding my head in understanding. Although my little was over the moon that the two of us were dating, she could also be pretty possessive of EJ, who she'd claimed as her new big brother. He had been handling it like a champ, dressing up for tea parties, reading her stories before we went out at night, and if I could tell he'd rather be alone, he never said no to Bella when she wanted to do something with us. I was usually the one who had to...

I placed my hand over my mouth as I entered the kitchen, careful that EJ didn't hear the giggles that so badly wanted to escape my lips. Bella had our kitchen table decorated for tea, with all of her stuffed animals and EJ sitting with her; all dressed up, EJ wore a paper crown that she made him, pretending to sip out of an extremely tiny teacup.

He looked ridiculous, yet also adorable, "Wow, B," I smiled, walking up behind EJ; he turned to look at me, his eyes lighting up, I think if my little sister weren't in the room, he'd probably pull me into his arms, but we didn't really do PDA, "this is one fancy tea party."

She smiled at me, showing off where she'd lost some teeth, "It's Mr. Monkeys' birthday." She informed me, nodding to the stuffed animal that I now noticed was on EJ's lap.

"I see," I nod, running my fingers through her hair, "do you mind if I steal EJ for a little bit?" I ask her, "tomorrow is supposed to be sunny, maybe we can reschedule the tea party to then? EJ can take us to the park?"

I hated taking him away from her, but I also really wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, who I hadn't seen in days, "Okay," Bella nods; she doesn't seem upset in the slightest, "do you think Ashlyn can come too?"

"I'll message her," EJ answers, carefully placing the stuffed monkey on the chair, "and I'll make sure I wear my tea party best," He gestures to his jeans and t-shirt, I hadn't noticed until now the drops of water on his shirt, it'd been raining all day.

"Good," Bella nods, satisfied, "I'll make more paper crowns," She decided, shooting us both a wave as she ran out of the kitchen and back upstairs, leaving her mess of stuffed animals and plastic teacups for my parents to clean up.

"Finally," EJ sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist once Bella was gone, pulling me into his arms, "I love your little sister, but I've been waiting to do this all week."

He kissed me before I could say anything; it's just a quick one, though, in case my family comes into the room, "I missed that too," I mumble, smiling up at him.

"Did you miss me too?" He asks, a teasing smile on his lips, "or just the kisses?"

I pretend I have to think about it, causing EJ to playfully gasp, faking hurt, "I'm sure my family is relieved you're back; I talked about you a lot." I admit to him, I didn't mean to, but it turns all of my best stories just so happen to involve EJ, "so, what are we doing today?"

EJ and I had are traditional things we liked to do; we still went for late-night drives, and even though school is off for summer break, we go get coffee together most mornings, "We could watch a movie? Or play a game?" He offers, his gaze moving over to the backdoors in the kitchen; the rain hadn't slowed down in the slightest.

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