Behind Those Anime Shades

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Weeks have past since I first meet Dirk,

since the picnic and the whole search for Jane and Roxy. Not much has happened since which is such a relief all I needed was to relax. I even forgot about Kanaya and Rose, and that horrible TV show. I didn't like the thought of me forgetting about Rose and Kanaya mostly because I didn't want them to be forgotten like any other victim of society, but I had to learn to let it go and that there was nothing I could do for them. After leaving the picnic I had ran into Dirk, he was driving an orange 2013 ford focus. I was amazed at his car, and put it on my 'Things I'm jealous about Dirk Strider' List. "Yo Jake, We should hang out more often, I'm thinking of leaving my part time job as a construction worker so that should open up some time" Dirk said as he looked around for a piece of paper and found a crumpled up instruction manual, he teared a page from the manual and wrote something on it and gave it to me. "Um. . .Sure! it was very fun hanging out with you today and meeting you, but you don't have to quit your job just to hang out we can figure something out" I said as I took the piece of paper and put it in the pocket of my shorts (Which were soaking wet from playing in the water earlier) Dirk smiled, said his goodbye's and drove on. I had reached into my pocket and looked at the piece of paper Dirk had given me and his phone number was on there, and also a little message "Call anytime" .

Questions still littered my mind!
I was mostly wondering about Dirk. Why would he quit his part time job as a construction worker? And why now, why not when he and Roxy became good friends? When he realized he had little time for his friends? Well, at least I hope he doesn't quit his job, it's not exactly something smart but its his decision and I bet he has something up his sleeve. He's a smart fellow and by the looks of it he seems to have money, Judging by his Ford Focus. I had called Dirk and texted him ever since the Picnic, he and I became good chaps! Good friends, I'm now considered his 'Bro' which is so cool! Sorry if I sound dorky but for someone like me getting to hang out with a cool guy like Dirk, its a huge deal. Even though we were really close, I still didn't know his eye color! And that was really dragging my patience, he never took off his shades! Or either he does but not in front of anyone. I've tried to slide in the question multiple times, but he'd see right threw me and would always say "I don't really care for my eye color, I'm not going to let society define me" that was his answer every time, and he made a good point. Many didn't like the people they were paired with, but since they are forced to live with them I guess they grow a connection. Dirk was a strange man, but he was a smart one. One that wouldn't or couldn't be defined by words.

I don't care for introducing myself that much so I won't. I'm a regular guy, that lives in a shitty apartment with my 'Bro' and little brother they both are never there so I like to say that I live alone. Why would Bro be there? He's. . .dead. I just like to make myself think 'what if he was here?' I raised my little brother and I since I was 13, my Bro had hid some money in the apartment in case he were to get kicked out of his job or something happens. That money helped me and my Lil bro until I was 16. I had to get a job at that point, and eventually got 2 jobs one a part time job as a construction worker and the other as a computer programmer, they both were something that I loved to do, like help building things and programming! I thought they were the perfect jobs for me. Until now at age 18, I actually thought of quitting one of my dream jobs. Because of Jake.

Before I meet Jake I thought
He was going to be a nerd that doesn't like the risky stuff, but I was wrong. He was a cute nerd, and he loved adventure, I don't know what it is about him. I didn't know if it was his goofy charming smile he has, or his British accent that makes him sound so sexy, or his ability to be so close yet far away in his mind, but I get this feeling when I'm with him, its like I already know him or like I've meet him before somewhere but that's impossible I've only met the guy once and that was it. Another thing that really got to me was his eye color. I know mine. I just don't know how to say it. He seems to want to know my eye color but I don't want him to know. Ever since I meet him I can always find him looking at me, studying me, but mostly studying my eyes trying to see threw my cool shades but fails. He always tries to slide the whole "What's your eye color?" question as well and I just say the same thing over and over again " I don't really care for my eye color, I'm not going to let society define me" and hell if I'll let society define me. This society, no this world! Is so fucked up, they are messing with love, LOVE! Love can't be messed with, you love someone then you love someone there's no stopping it! But society pairs you up with someone they think is compatible with you, which is absolute bullshit.

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