Why is he hiding it?!

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Dirk's P.O.V
Weeks have past since I meet English. Ever since I gave him my phone number my phone instantly blew up with text messages. Most of the time I would have to calm down and tell myself that 'He would never like me because he's straight' and that stings. Also, How could I forget the most asked question by Mr. Jake English (A.K.A Mr. Sexy English). Jake, like I've said before is constantly asking what my eye color is, and it gets annoying. Don't get me wrong the guys cute and all but it would be better if he didn't act like a puppet being controlled by society or getting his strings pulled by society either one of those is bad enough, but there's something in Jake that makes me think he's not like everyone else. A puppet. He seems different, like if he's seen it all and knows what kind of world this is. As if he's afraid to say what's right. Which is one of the billions of things wrong with this society, I however, won't be controlled by anyone but myself. I've even been waiting my whole life for this, ever since I was little I could remember planning everything out. On how I'm going to escape. Many people don't know this but our town is surrounded by huge fences with barbwire on the top of it, basically a fucking jail. No one can get in, or out, and the woods where my Bro died is just hours away from the huge fence. Ever since I could remember I've always wanted to escape or at least try, so what I've always said I'd do is go the usual way to go to the woods and from there on walk until I reach the huge fence, and since there are basically guards on watch 24/7 I'll have to be careful, Extremely careful. That's why I'm going at night, all these years I've had time to watch the guards and see when they leave there post or when its clear to go. At exactly 3:00 A.M a new officer comes in and switches, it takes a good 10 minutes for them to check the cameras twice and get into there huge towers to have eyes everywhere, and if I'm lucky I'll get that sleepy guard that always dozes off while watching over some of the security cameras. Since it takes 10 minutes for the guard that's just coming in to get everything set up, I'll take my chances climb some trees and jump onto one of the watch towers, and then jump back off into a tree, because once you pass that fence its all trees for at least 3 miles, and I've calculated the distance of the tree to the watch tower and its something I could make. I think its well planned out, but there's always flaws. For instance, I don't want to be an insensitive prick so of course I'm taking Dave with me but the problem is that he probably would want to take one of his best bros and that is John Egbert. John and Dave match, it took Dave forever to tell John that they're matched, mostly because at first John always said that he wasn't a homo. Which was complete bullshit, John Egbert is as homo as it can get! So when John finally accepted to being a homosexual, Him and Dave have been inseparable. Guess that's one thing about having found your match, and I know for a fact Dave would never leave this place without Egbert. Its FACT. Leaving him is not a choice, so that's what's kept me from putting this plan into action, because there's a huge obstacle in my way and its called Dave.

Jake's P.O.V
I sat anxiously inside a Café close to the school I go to. Dirk had invited me to hang out with him to just grab a cup of coffee or tea. I was anxious because he said he had something important to tell me and I was trying to think of what it could be, of course I first thought of him finally telling me his eye color! In which I got exited, finally after weeks of begging and pleading for the answer to my question I'll finally know! I sat in a booth close to a window I watched as couples walked past smiling at each other, I was so intertwined with watching couples pass by that I hadn't even notice Dirk standing in front of me.
"AH!" I screamed as I saw Dirk, which drew attention to me very quickly. My face heated up and I looked at my shoes "Dirk. Your a jerk" I say, in a low whisper as I twiddle my fingers. Dirk laughs and pats me on the back and sits in front of me and shortly after a lady comes by and asks us what we would like to order I, being my usual self say tea and Dirk just says some coffee would be fine, the lady soon leaves with a smile on her face. "So, anything new? Find your soul mate anywhere?" Dirk said, in a teasing manner, I looked at him and let out a sigh "Not yet, but the finding is coming up soon. I'll meet her there for sure" I said, confidence filling my words Dirk smirked at my reply, I really didn't pay attention at the time or what was going on since I was so involved into Dirk and I's conversation, I didn't even notice when the lady came back and placed our drinks in front of us until Dirk took a sip of his coffee. Dirk sipped his coffee and then looked at me and he had a serious expression on his face "Ok, so the reason I asked you to hang with me was because I have something important to say. . ." Dirk said, he sounded dead serious nothing like the Dirk I knew which was always carefree and hard to read but at that moment he seemed like a completely other person, it was scary. I stopped drinking my tea and looked at Dirk, seriousness in my eyes as well, I nodded telling him that he has my full attention. I thought it was going to be his eye color so I was trying to be serious and not smile my goofy smile, or at least make it seem like I'm waiting or expecting him to say his eye color. "Jake, I'm leaving town" Dirk said, I didn't really know what was the important thing about leaving town, so I chuckled and replied "Is that it Dirk? Not to be rude but I thought maybe something more important was bothering you" Dirk looked at me, with that serious expression. "You don't get it. I'm not just leaving town. I'm going to escape" Dirk said in a whisper, and then I understood, Dirk wasn't leaving this town and going somewhere else to visit like in the woods or in another place inside the barrier, no. He was talking of escaping the great fence, and going on the other side. I stayed there just looking at Dirk with an expression of worry and fear "D-Dirk. . .You're joking. . .right?" I said, my voice trembling, Dirk shook his head "Would I joke about this?" Dirk said, I just couldn't believe it, why would he want to escape? "Why? And what about your friends? Won't you miss them?" I asked, I needed answers he can't just say that like its a normal thing, because its not! This is a serious topic! The feeling of having known that your best friend is going to attempt something that can probably hurt them or even worse kill them in the process is something that hits you like a bullet, it breaks threw your skin and it makes you feel like complete mush inside out. "Because, I'm so sick and tired of this! Aren't you? Forced to love someone you don't even know! And that's the problem, You're forced to love someone, forced! You can't force love!" Dirk said, and this made me think, its true I don't even know who my soul mate is or who I'm going to be paired with and yet I can't wait to meet them because I know as soon as I do, I'll have a life. Just because I've been so involved in finding my soul mate just like everyone else I've never really noticed that people had crushes on other people other than the one they were meant to spend the rest of their lives with. Which made me think, does Dirk have eyes for someone else? He probably fancy's a girl he's not matched with, and that is a big problem. No wonder he wants to leave he probably can't take the heart ache, poor Dirk. "I can't imagine how it feels to have someone you care about or even love, and can't even be with them due to the rules" I said, and Dirk's expression lid up, as if he was so happy I had said that, he nodded "Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying!" Dirk said in a cheerful voice "That's why Jake, and this also answers your other question, I want you to come with me" Dirk said, a soft smile on his face, I went blank. Dirk wanted me to go with him, he wanted me to escape with him. I shook my head, definitely no, Dirk is my best bro and all but I don't want to risk it besides I've waited my whole life to attend the finding and just to have those 16 years of waiting ripped away from you is just unfair, wouldn't you say? So I obviously said no, Dirk frowned "Look, I've even asked Jane and Roxy. They said, yes" Dirk said, that made me wonder because out of everyone in town Roxy and Jane were my best friends I'd known them for a very long time and to be honest they were my only friends. I hesitated on speaking and then decided to speak "If I go. . .will you show me your eye color" I asked, I know if he showed me his eye color and we escaped safely that it wouldn't matter anymore, so I took my chances to ask him. Dirk stayed still for a second as if thinking and then he shook his head "no" Dirk said, I huffed out in frustration and looked at him"Why not?" I asked, "it wouldn't matter" he said, I was getting heated up,
"if it didn't matter why keep it a secret?!"
"Because if it didn't matter you wouldn't care about it"
"But I do care about it!" I yelled, this was turning into an argument and I'm not one to start arguments but I don't know if it was Dirk's attitude or what he was planning to do that made me mad, thinking about it even more was even making my blood boil, I was so frustrated! Dirk stood up and left a 5 dollar bill on the table and walked out of the café, I put an extra $2 dollars as a tip and left as well, I saw Dirk crossing the street and I ran to him, I stopped him before he could cross "Why are you making such a big deal out of your eyes?!" I said trying not to yell "I should be asking you the same question" He said, not looking at me, and that was my breaking point. Dirk strider had officially made me crossed or pissed. Dirk noticed this, it was bloody obvious! He turned to me and signed "Don't get mad over something stupid Jake" He said and I gave him a glare a don't-you-even-dare-say-that-again glare. "Well why in the hell do you even care if I find out what color your eye is?" I murmured, Dirk looked at me surprised that I cursed, I rarely do and if I did, that meant I was pissed. "I have my reasons" Dirk said as he leaned on the glass of the Café I got in front of him and gave him a dead look "Tell me the reasons" He looked at me and sighed "I can't, how would you understand?" He replied his voice sounding like a plead as if he is hiding words in between what he had just said. Like if he wanted me to read in between the lines of that last sentence that had came out of his mouth. I couldn't take it anymore and reached for his shades he quickly noticed and grabbed my wrist keeping it away from his shades he squeezed my wrist hard, I gritted my teeth and let a small whimper my wrist started to hurt and it was turning red. "Don't even try to" Dirk said, his voice just as it was when he was discussing about escaping this town. He let go of my wrist and I started to rub it, "Sorry didn't mean to hold it so tightly" that's another thing I didn't understand about Dirk, his voice and mood can go from serious to sentimental in a second. He sighed and chuckled, I didn't want to give up so as soon as Dirk started to walk away I sneaked up behind him and took off his shades from behind. He panicked at first and quickly turned around, I hid his shades behind me and looked at him.

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