It was a calm day in the Time Nest, TokiToki was flying around and a young boy about thirteen years old with a monkey tail and pointed ears was in the time vault, looking over the scrolls. He kept reading through the scrolls and was looking at the various Saiyan transformations throughout history and was taking notes while eating a plate of pork and potatoes as he studied half of his heritage. He was eating and began to think out loud.
"Super Saiyan four," He said after swallowing his food, " A form with comparable power to Super Saiyan Blue while not needing to maintain concentration or burn through stamina to keep active similar to Super Saiyan Rose but without needing to possess God Ki."
He took another bite of pork and after swallowing his food said, "The only drawback to this form is that a Saiyan must master the Golden Oozaru form's Primal Mind and the form is nearly impossible to use without having a tail."
"I see you're still studying Saiyan Heritage, Raza." Said a person who just walked into the Time Nest.
Raza jumped at hearing this voice and turned around to see a short woman with pink skin and rose pink hair smiling at him. It was Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time.
"Oh, hey mom." He said sheepishly.
She gave a small chuckle before asking, "What time scroll are you looking at?"
"I'm just looking into the Super Saiyan Four form," Raza said.
"Why so?" His mom asked.
"I heard some of the Saiyan Time Patrollers arguing over what the best Super Saiyan form was. Most said Blue while a couple said four and I think one guy said, Rose." Raza explained, "The things I've read have convinced me that four is the better form. Though I can't really compare them."
"I bet you're still wanting to be a Time Patroller, aren't you?" His mom asked.
"Yup," Raza said remembering a deal he made with his mother, "Speaking of which, I want to show you how strong I've gotten."
He jumped up and the two of them walked out of the Time Vault and into the Time Nest where Trunks was standing.
"Let's spar Trunks!" Raza said excitedly.
Trunks nodded his head and the two of them went to the side of the Time Vault where there was a large plot of cleared grassland. They both assumed a battle stance and Raza calmy turned into a Super Saiyan while trunks powered up while staying in his base form. Raza knew he was about equal to Base Trunks while he was a Super Saiyan and he knew that Trunks was more experienced so he devised a plan to use his secret weapon devised from reading scrolls about Vegeta's battle strategy against Goku Black.
He rushed at Trunks which was unexpected as he was usually a defensive fighter. Just as he reached Trunks and was about to attack, he subtly ascended to Super Saiyan 2 as he wanted to hide the achievement until he fully mastered it. Trunks was caught off guard by the sudden increase in speed and he was socked in the face.
After the punch connected, Raza descended into Super Saiyan 1 before throwing another punch and subtly reascending to Super Saiyan 2. He repeated this cycle whenever he would punch, kick, or block an attack from Trunks. He caught on to what was happening and began predicting where Raza's hits would land and turned Super Saiyan, forcing Raza to surrender.
"Good job Raza," Trunks said, "That was a pretty cool technique."
"I was hoping you guys couldn't figure it out," Raza said sheepishly.
"Why is that?" Chronoa asked.
"I can only use Super Saiyan Two for a few seconds at a time which is why I mimicked Vegeta's god-to-blue switch technique." Raza said, "I didn't want it to be considered an achievement until I gained decent use of the form."
"Either way," Chronoa said, "You achieved the form which means I have to hold up my end of our deal."
"Really?" Raza asked giddily.
"Yup," Chronoa said.
Raza grabbed Trunks and Chronoa before pulling them into a hug. They hugged back and stayed like that for a few moments before Raza broke the hug.
"Thanks, Trunks," Raza said, "I would have never gotten this strong without your help."
"Here's a gift for reaching this new milestone," Chronoa said as she reached into her pocket a retrieved two green potara earrings.
She put the earrings on Raza's ears and hugged him.
(Time skip 5 years)It was five years after the day, Raza became a Time Patroller after showing his Mom his super Saiyan 2 form. It was age 852, one year after Toki Toki city was destroyed and rebuilt as Conton City. He got back from his most recent Time Patrol mission where he helped Goku on Namek when Cooler appeared. It wasn't too much trouble for Raza but he made sure not to interact with Frieza or Goku so the timeline wouldn't variate much.
He walked to his mentor, a fighter in the Time Patrol called Xeno Goku. Xeno Goku is a Time Patroller who wears a black form-fitting suit with a red open coat over it while having the Power-Pole strapped to his back.
"Goku!" Raza shouted to his mentor.
"Oh, hey Raza!" Goku shouted back, "How was your mission?"
"It was pretty good, I just had to stop Cooler from interfering with the Namek fight," Raza said.
"That's good." Goku said, "How far along are you down the Super Saiyan ladder?"
"I'm able to use Super Saiyan three without losing much stamina and I've gained control over the normal Great Ape form," Raza said proudly.
"Nice," Goku said, "Soon you should be able to achieve Super Saiyan Four."
"Speaking of which, how do I ascend to Super Saiyan Four?" Raza asked.
Goku's expression hardened a bit as he began his explanation.
"One must transform into a Golden Great Ape and overcome the Primal Mind," Goku said, "When they do, their body will revert to its normal shape with red fur and long, black hair. This form is much stronger than almost anything else a Saiyan could use." Goku explained, "Though if they can't control the primal mind or if they stay as a Golden Great Ape for too long they could accidentally cause harm to friends and foe alike."
Raza nodded his head.
"Thanks, Goku," Raza said, "I'm going to go talk to mom."
They waved to each other as Raza walked away towards the Time Nest. He walked through the portal into the Time Nest and walked into the Time Vault where he assumed his mother would be. He walked into the Time Vault and saw something he wasn't expecting The villains Mira and Towa were in the Time Vault. Mira was holding a Ki blast at Chronoa, Trunks, the Old Kai, and the Toki Toki City hero.
He fired the blast at the hero and Raza jumped in front of the blast, barely stopping it.
"Ah, I see this is your son that I've heard so much about. It would be a shame if something were to happen to him." Towa said evilly.
She flicked her staff and a portal appeared below Raza that began sucking him down into it. He transformed into a Super Saiyan Three and fought against the pulling of the portal. He was about to escape the pull when Mira teleported above him and hit him with an Axe-Kick to the head, knocking him out and into the portal.
"No!!!" Chronoa yelled as the portal closed.

Raza's Beginning (DBS X God OC)
FanfictionThis is the real beginning of the Saiyan god by the name Raza. His early life and his relation to the Z fighters.