Part 21

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Vados focused on maintaining the barrier in the void of space, her mind occupied by the thought of what happened only seconds ago.

"Raza," She said, her voice shaking, "Why didn't you stop?"

She wanted nothing more than to perform a temporal do-over to save Raza, but she knew it was pointless and would only get her and her comrades killed. Her ki reserves were strained to their limit, she was bleeding out, and to make the situation even worse, she had accidentally surrounded the surviving Time Breaker. She couldn't see who it was because of her blindness, and couldn't sense which one it was with how strained her Ki reserves were. She couldn't even heal herself or the barrier would collapse, leaving Gohan and Granolah to suffocate in space, she could only hope that one of them would wake up and be able to take over control of the barrier long enough to regain her strength and get them out of this twisted timeline.

Her ki reserves gradually shrank from the effort of holding the barrier and her willpower waned, she didn't even know if it was worth it to save Gohan and Granolah. Her Genki was drained beyond all imagination from the fight and her Yūki and Shōki were at an all-time low, every source of her energy was almost bottomed out, soon she would die of Ki exhaustion and her comrades would be doomed to suffocate in the vacuum of space, and unfortunately, it wouldn't be fast. Their bodies were some of the strongest in the multiverse and it would take hours for them to die.

Vados was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone groaning and starting to stand, silently she hoped it was Gohan as he would be able to recover the fastest and lighten her burden, but she was out of luck.

"What the hell is going on?" The sinister voice of Crimson called out.

Damnit!  Vados reprimanded herself mentally, she just had to pick up the one man who would almost certainly guarantee everyone's death, including his own.

"You, what the hell happened?" The rogue kai spat out with malice laced in his voice.

"Towa fused with you, Mira, Granolah, and Gohan." She said, "Raza and I fused to fight back. She crippled our fusion and when we separated we managed to separate the five of you. She stole your power and Raza overloaded his body with ki to kill her, they're both dead and we're what's left in this timeline."

 "Subarashi!" Crimson yelled as he began laughing, "This is the best day of my life! Not only am I free from that bitch Towa, but Raza killed himself while he got rid of her? This day could not get better."

"Shut up," Vados said weakly, "Or I'll drop this barrier and kill you."

"No, you won't," Crimson asserted with his typical air of arrogance.

"And why do you think that?" Vados said, "I hate you more than anyone else for what you've done."

"Because you have those two Ningen to worry about," Crimson gestured to Gohan and Granolah, "And the Maraschino cherry on top of all this is that we destroyed every afterlife in this multiverse! Raza is gone for good and there is nothing you could ever do about it! Even if my seed DID survive his little explosion, he would still suffocate in the vacuum of space, after all, Saiyans can't survive in vacuums."

Vados nearly broke down from Crimson's harsh words, her Yūki and Shōki were almost completely drained, and her Genki wouldn't hold the weight on its own for long. Every component of her ki slipped away into the barrier as she tried to keep it sturdy against the vacuum.

"Maybe this time," Crimson spoke again, "I will have a spawn capable of being my partner in the Zero-Mortals plan! I'm going to take it to the omniverse."

"There's no way even you would like long enough to do that," Vados retorted, "It would take trillions of years to kill an omniverse, even at the ludicrous speed of the KaiKai."

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