Chapter 4: Keep-ups and Practice

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The Patriots had all made their speeches along with Robert Kraft. Kraft then motioned for the Revolution to join them.

"Now, I would like to officially introduce you guys to our newest signing on the Revolution. He is captain of the US National Soccer Team, he has played in the premier league his whole career and now he is ours, please welcome Kieran O'Day!"

Kieran walked forward and was about to take the microphone before looking back at his teammates. "One of you take this crutch so I can hold this thing."

Juan quickly took the crutch. Kieran shot the crowd a smile and earned a cheer. He then spoke his first words to the fans of his new team. "I know this is the wrong football and y'all are probably wondering why I'm up here."

The crowd screamed in what seemed to be an agreement but no one really knows.

"So I wasn't really prepared for this so I have no clue what I'm going to say or if I'm supposed to say something. Let me start by for all of the soccer fans here that watch the US internationally, yes I am going on another World Cup Run."

The crowd cheered, beginning to chant USA.

"As for the Revolution. I have never played in the MLS before but I promise to figure out how to win in this league. I will change this franchise for the better and we will win. And we will win a lot, just give me six weeks for my ankle to heal. But until then I will work on the one thing I can change, my teammates. So be prepared for a lot of videos of them running laps. My international teammates all do it, my teammates in the premier league all did it, so now these guys are going to do it. I will change the culture of this team, and I will make this team a great team. Now I'm going to go play keep-ups with them."

Kieran handed the microphone back to Kraft and hopped to the circle. Juan handed him his second crutch. Kieran headed the ball when it came to him. More people were talking to the fans but most people were distracted by the soccer player. Jimmy messed up his volley to Kieran and it was way too low.

Instead of letting the ball drop, Kieran decided to do the stupid thing. He hopped surprisingly high into the air off of his good foot, kicked the ball with it, and landed. Doing so he kept the game alive, but almost killed his coach.

"Holy shit Kieran! No! You are not to be playing that game anymore! Are you stupid?"


"Kieran O'Day. Go sit down."

Kieran winked and waved to the fans before crunching offstage and sitting down on a random chair.

The crowd cheered for him, a few booing Brad for sending him off.


Kieran woke up the next morning and turned on SportsCenter. He listened as they talked about Brian Flores, John Wall, the NBA trade deadline, a bunch of other basketball stuff, Liverpool, Patriots players saying they aren't going to the Whitehouse, and the Patriots parade.

He ate a granola bar and drank a smoothie while responding to some emails. The people on SportsCenter droned on and on about Tom Brady and Julien Edelman and Gronkowski. Then they mentioned his name.

"And let's talk about Kieran O'Day!"

Kieran's head snapped up. He paid attention as they began talking about him.

"The crowd immediately loved him from the first moment he spoke."

"He certainly is a crowd-pleaser, even if he isn't a coach pleaser. Doing keepie-ups while on a broken ankle is probably not his best idea but the crowd enjoyed it."

"He's a fun guy, good man, great player, he will do really good things in New England."

Kieran smirked. "Damn right!" He put away his stuff and threw himself the rest of the way together before heading out to practice.

He entered the practice field. He was the first one there besides the coaches. He chatted with them until his teammates arrived. Then he joined them in warmups as well as he could. During keep away he hit the ball with his crutch. It was working surprisingly well. And then he megged Wilfried. Everyone went nuts.

"Okay he should not be allowed to play with the crutches, it gives him an advantage," The Frenchman complained.

Kieran laughed but crutched towards the coaches. Brad looked at him. "You got kicked out?"


"You can help me draw up set pieces then."

As Kieran, Brad, and Richie drew up random plays and set pieces the other coaches began the practice.

"He can make his run there and then that should draw that defender which leaves him open!" Kieran argued.

"But his job is to draw in that defender!" Brad argued back.

"Why do that when he can draw in those three. If you don't have him do that, that defender can stay on him, and then what will you do if that happens, not score, and do you want that to happen?"

"Yeah Brad, do you want that to happen?" Richie said.

"I hate that you two are ganging up on me. But fine, he can have his run be there. Now I'm going to go coach my team. You two have fun." Brad stalked away saltily. Kieran and Richie laughed after him.

They turned back to the whiteboard and continued drawing up plays until the water break. Kieran then went and talked to Juan. "Bitch we both know Im better than you and that I will be more loved by this city than every other soccer player yhat has ever set foot here."

"Literally everyone on this team has been here longer than you."

"So? I'm still better and therefore the favorite."

"Yeah you are also the ugliest."

"We all know thats not true," Jalil yelled.

Kieran laughed but nodded. "I am not ugly at all. And Juan you can run a lap for that at the end of practice."

Juan groaned.


By the end of practice half the team was running an extra lap or two. Kieran was hated for about five minutes until he revealed the set pieces and everyone loved him again.

It was fun, and he was happy to be on his new team.

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