Destruction and Domination

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Theater of Domination

Time was difficult to tell in this place, I don't know anything relating to the Dimensional Gap or the Sea of Quanta.

Trusting my instincts, I then fired off another magic blast against an incoming puppet, not different from the last.

"Oya~? Why so serious Mr. Devil? We just want to talk!" The original puppet, or if I could call it(?) that spoke.

Thankfully, all their voices differ somehow and I can tell the apart.

"Why thank you! It's really hard to talk to someone when they mistakenly think you a different person~" Damn puppets can hear my thoughts.

Releasing one magic seal I then conjured the Power of Destruction and released it around me. All the incoming puppet got disintegrated into nothing, along with what I assume the cores.

Then they halted, clearly being cautious about my power.

"Ah, it seems 10 already left us and won't be coming back." The main puppet spoke, it seems they have also linked thoughts too.

"Your power is a dangerous adversary Mr. Devil, it's best to get rid of you now." The neutral tone got my guard up and then I was suddenly flung into an arena like place.

Before me was a gigantic puppet unlike those doll-sized ones.

"You do not belong here, then we'll take time in tearing you apart." The conjoined and distorted voices of people spoke, gone was the playful tone.

Before anything else, a portal conjured on my left.

Kiana just arrived on time.

"Captain! Grab my hand!" Thinking no more I immediately grab on hold as she pulled and closed the portal.

The Herrscher of Domination stood stupidly there due to events happening too fast.

"Some slippery snake he is, we did not have enough time to take the powers of the Herrscher of the Void..." 

"But prey don't escape too long, we'll have are reunion soon enough, hehehehe~" The voices cackled, their plans setting on motion.

The Hyperion, Bridge

"That was a close one..." I sighed as I rested on a chair they prepared for me

It seems I was gone for hours, and they all looked for me.

"Captain, what was that place?" Kiana asked, since she was the one that rescued me.

Using her Void powers and tracing the link towards me, she made a portal to me. It seems the powers of the Void can simply make portals towards a person as long as the user knows them.

"A Herrscher's domain, specifically the Herrscher of Domination, if I am right." Everyone in the bridge tensed at that.

Theresa immediately gave out orders for preparations, patching in the World Serpent, Schicksal's Main HQ, as well as Anti-Entropy.

The comms were set, Kevin, Otto, and Welt were now here.

Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla were present as they arrived from the lab.

A brief explanation later

"I see, so it's a space that cannot be normally accessed by any means unless the Herrscher 'invites' you into its domain or Ms. Kaslana here uses her powers to force herself or anyone in and out." Einstein deduced, with many trying to form a concrete theory how the Herrscher of Domination's powers work.

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