Devil's Requiem

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AN: It has been a very long time, I got caught up with many real things in life, namely which my life will being heading, some major decisions were made

With the end of Part 1, and Part 2 just started, I have been greatly affected by the changes in the game such as I may not follow fully what had the devs had intended

Anyways, please share your thoughts, it's always welcome to hear suggestions or your own idea of concepts for the future of this story

Remember, this is OUR story, we had witnessed the canon storyline, how they fought, how they succeeded

We laughed, we cried, we celebrated, for we also had fought for the beauty of that world

Let us continue onwards Captains!

Theater of Domination

The sound of explosions can be heard within the Theater of Domination

The amalgamation of consciousness filled with despair and malice clashed with a Devil

"Why do you continue this pointless battle! Humanity is a disease! Filled with their own hypocrisy! Why would you side with these worthless wastes of space!"

The walls of the theater then moved separately, intending to crush me

I said nothing, with how much power releasing the Seals of the 7 Sins coursing through me, I could risk losing myself.

I focused on my rage, my pent-up aggression, from the horrors of the Civil War, to the machinations of Apocalypse.

"RAAAAAAGH!!!" A sudden burst of strength, I cracked the ground and headed straight towards the towering Herrscher.

Hitting true, the giant puppet's core met my fist full of fury, sending it far as my eyes could see.

But I saw it just regenerated, it seems this place is sustaining it, as well as the puppets.

I could see the various puppets emerging, as I sense them, the Herrscher gets its strength from these 1000 cores.

Sloth acted up, it was getting too troublesome, and now I grew irritated.


A wave of power burst forth, forcing the small puppets to kneel with their heads hitting the ground

Various shocked voices can be heard.

Feeling famished, I then used Gluttony, "Consume."

Feeding on the energy they had, the puppets then lose consciousness one by one.

"Dominate." I then consumed their memories, their knowledge, their very being, this was Greed. As ironic it was, Dominate did perfectly well.

"Now, amuse me, see if you lot are fit to be spared!" Manipulating their emotions using Lust, the remaining puppets then began tearing each other apart. Now it was fitting, puppets to the very end.

The giant puppet was unable to move, the remaining legion of malice within it has already dwindled, weakening it greatly.

"Pathetic, is this what you call a Herrscher?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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