Memorial of the Past

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The Civil War, Several Centuries Ago

"Sergei! More on the left, we can let them get pass on our defenses!" Sirzechs warned his twin while dealing with one of the Old Satans, the Shalba Beelzebub.

"Damn you traitors! Can't you see?! We can deal all of those pesky Angels and Fallen Angels if we act now while they're weak!" Charging up some magic, Sirzechs blocked and incoming attack from the Old Devil.

"And what then? The only thing that awaits all of us with all of you Old Devils self-satisfying ambition of being the most powerful will only lead the whole Devilkind into extinction!"

"Tch! Then I guess you lot will have to die!" They resumed their clash, while Sergei continues to fight the canon fodder.

'They're like a water that broke through a dam! They just keep coming!' The battle was very uncertain, any wrong move could result in changing the tide of the war.

'I really don't want to do this....' He was tired of it, the bloodshed, the brutality, all for the sake of ideals and the prosperity of all Devils.

'But I need to do this, not for myself, but for my family and friends....'  Getting tired, he resorted charging his last attack.

"Sera! I need you to gather all of the enemies into one place, I'll finish this!" Sergei called out, on Serafall's side, she was fighting Katerea Leviathan.

"I can't at the moment, Sergei!  Katerea here is being a bitch!" All the while hearing a 'Why you little shit!' from her opponent.

All out of options, he called at to the least trustworthy, Grayfia Lucifuge. She had just recently defected to their side and warned of them of this battle, despite that fact, he cannot trust her yet.

But now, he needs all the help he could get.

"Lucifuge, you busy?!"

Grayfia, hearing the call of Sirzech's twin, merely looked at him. She too is busy dealing with some soldiers.

Sergei, knowing she was listening to what he has to say and said, "Think you could gather all of them into one place and freeze them? We need to finish this now, and reinforcements are still not here, at this rate, we'll get overwhelmed!" She nodded, already seeing his plan.

She could not help but wonder why he was different from his twin when they are equal to each other. Sirzechs was the one who was rallying the New Devils, all the while his brother watches from the sidelines, kind of like he is the shadow.

Shaking off any unnecessary thoughts, she began to proceed with the plan. While freezing the enemy is very easy for her, she will need to devise a way for them to be in one place. She hopes Sergei knows what to do when she is in position.

As she began channeling her magic, she noticed Sergei suddenly stopped.

She saw he was preparing something, and then he faked his exhaustion to lure in the enemy.

Many of the Old Devils noticed this, and him being the brother of the leader can make this war end swiftly.

"Hey look, isn't that the brother of the damned Gremory traitor?! Let's kill him!" One called out, the New Devils noticed this too, but as they could see, Sergei put on some illusion magic to believe the enemy that he is injured.

In a war, you need all the information you can get, but this time with it being dragged for long, both sides seek to put an end as soon as possible and act desperately.

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