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World Serpent HQ, Unknown Location

Alarms blaring as the base was under attack by an unknown force, explosions and tremors are felt deep underground. Despite that, Kevin kept a calm persona.

Raven just arrived with Raiden Mei after the Battle of Coral, this unknown foe suddenly appeared just about when he was about to set out to meet Otto Apocalypse again.

Before him was a figure shrouded in darkness, when the mist faded, what appeared before him put him on the edge.

"Ah, there you are Kevin, I've been waiting for you to show up while I played with your toys here. You really know how to keep a woman waiting, ne~!" Hua(?) appeared very jovial, that was enough to confirm his suspicions, but he cannot act recklessly.

"Who are you?"

"Ah can't you remember an old friend? It's me, Hua!" 

The tension was high, after a few words they fought each other (for simplicity's sake, the fight was same in the canon)

Despite being allies in a short notice, the Immortal Blades also arrived escorting Otto before the alarms blared again. Raven went to investigate, but to her surprise she was blown back by an unknown force.

Mei arrived at the scene, briefly noticing Hua(?), 'It can't be... the Class Rep? Something's off', the Overseer is here too along with Rita and Durandal...'

An unknown energy surged into the place, as soon as it touched anything, they got disintegrated.

The onlookers are in baiting breath as the dust cleared, revealing a man in strange clothes. But his face was familiar.

"Captain! Why are you here?!" Mei took a defensive stance, there was no way the Captain alone could have done this amount of destruction, as well as infiltrating the World Serpent's HQ.

But alas, he was all alone, his crimson hair was like blood that shone in the darkness, his attire was very strange, as if he was a noble or a high-ranking soldier.

His hands, crackling with the strange energy, no one in room could identify it, it was not Honkai energy at all.

"You are... the Captain and Commander of the Far East Branch. What is your purpose here, intruder." Raven coldly regarded him, her claw and knives ready, but she couldn't help but feel nervous at the red energy.

"Ah it's the Captain! Why nice to see you again despite the circumstances~" His gaze fell upon the Fu Hua lookalike, he could not help but growl.

"You fake, how dare you take her face!"  He restrained her, taking her by surprise. She was bound by strange sigils, as well as preventing all the others from moving.

"Any of you move an inch and your soul will nothing but eradicated form existence." All of them could feel it, this strange energy already bypassed most of their internal defenses.

Kevin still kept his cool, "Sergei Gremory, your name is not a coincidence perhaps. One of the Demons of the Lesser Keys of Solomon." His statement caused mixed feelings among everyone, Otto just looks amused, but also nervous. 

The restraints binding him was different from the Oath of Judah, 'The existence of the soul, huh? If I didn't deny it's existence, maybe Kallen would have been alive again through the stigmata...'

The looks on the Overseer's face was one of resignation, after many years of trying to bring her back.

There were more footsteps coming to their location, to their surprise, it was Kiana and Bronya.

The new arrivals then noticed Hua(?). They immediately grew suspicious.

"Ara, it seems this is quite an unexpected reunion!" Hua's(?) way of speaking is already suspicious enough. All of them were battle-ready.

"Oi oi! We're all friends here, no need to fight, right?"

A snap of finger were heard, and every enemy of the Captain was now inches away from being impaled by the Subspace Lances.

'No, Kiana...' After everything she did, she still comes for her.

And there was the Captain, after calming down, faced Kevin Kaslana and Otto Apocalypse.

"You two and I needs to talk and settle things, and put an end to this game."

Kevin knows when he is defeated, even if he is strong enough to fight the Captain, he cannot move. Instincts are blaring at him that his threat earlier was not a joke.

He sighed, "All of you stand down."

Otto followed the same, the Immortal Blades following suite.

As for Hua(?), as jovial she can be, is still restrained. Her predicament too will also be discussed.

Flashback End

The Ragnarok Treaty, or simply Ragnarok, was made after the unified cause of the World Serpent, Schicksal, and Anti-Entropy.

Due to my intervention, plans in combating the rise of the Herrschers are now hastened, and to more humane ways.

And that's coming from a Devil like me. By stopping the experiments on humans regarding Honkai energy, we have managed to work with what we have.

True enough, this world is not enough to fight the Herrscher of the End, which Kevin told he fought her briefly before being sent to the Sea of Quanta.

Suffice to say, she is not just the Kiana Kaslana of the Previous Era with the powers of the Void. It can be said that the HoE (I deadpanned at the acronym) is capable of utilizing the power of every Herrscher of the Previous Era, and most likely the current ones too.

Regarding Hua(?), we have managed to retrieved Fu Hua's consciousness from the depths of the Fenghuang Down. It was not easy, after all the Herrscher was born after Otto "The Simp" Apocalyspe shot her and mistakenly tooked Fu Hua's memories, the newly born Herrscher was overwhelmed by them.

Regarding my predicament, only Himeko, Theresa, Dr. Tesla and Einstein, Kevin, Otto, Rita, Durandal, and Fu Hua know. Kiana, Mei, and Bronya are getting curious too, along with the Twins and Seele, I had suspicions too that Seele's Alter Ego already knows.

I sighed, "Well time to get paperwork done, again." Who the hell made such an annoying task? I could have sworn my brother is ranting about the same predicament

Meanwhile, DxD, Underworld

"ACHOO! Ergh, it seems someone is talking about me..." Sirzechs furiously writing and reading each page of his paperwork, all related to the current affairs.

"Sirzechs-sama, another set of paperwork needs to be done, it's from Zekram Bael-sama." Grayfia came in his office, with a stack of paperwork easily as tall as him.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!" The Siscon Satan cried out as Grayfia coldly settled them down next to his current ones, also as tall as him.

Back to Honkai

As soon as I was done, I left my office and went up to the deck to get some fresh air. It was now noon.

The Hyperion is on standby, no new reported events regarding the Honkai. It's as if it was preparing for something big.

Then suddenly I was some place else.

Unknown Location

I was suddenly met with a strange sight, before me, was a theater, and someone or something was in front on me.

"Welcome to the Theater of Domination~! We've been expecting you, Sergei Gremory!"

A doll, or was it a puppet? Was weloming me as if I was an old friend.

'The Theater of Domination? Oh for the love of...' I thought no more, I was in the territory of a Herrscher, and I was in its sights.

AN: Still suffering from depression, sorry for a short chapter, kinda rushed too.

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