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   The next day Connor and his friends and I went out for lunch. "Casey, how's everything?" Connor said. I put my fingers on the table. "Uh, I have, a new best friend, and I get to spend my summer with my favorite cousin!" I gushed. "The only thing I don't like is living with Axl," I admit. They laughed and sighed. "Well he is your brother, and it's by chance, not by choice."

I thought about what Connor said as I walked back to the hotel.

That night, mom and dad brought a friend that lives in Miami to the hotel room, so Axl had to sleep in my room. I made him sleep by the foot board so it wouldn't be weird, but I regret it.

When I fell asleep, I started to smell a disgusting stench. I open my eyes and I see Axl's feet. "Move over!" I groaned. He awoke and kicked me in my nose. "Urg! Axl, move!!!" I yelled getting up, holding my nose.
   He ignored me and went back to sleep. I whacked him in the head before I went over to the couch and slept there the whole night.

The next morning, mom found me on the couch and woke me up. "What are you doing on the couch?" she asked. I stretched before I answered. "Axl whacked me in my nose, and I wanted to survive."  I pulled off my blanket got up. She laughed while I rolled my eyes. "Well come downstairs, we are having breakfast," she said putting on her sneakers. I was too lazy to put on jeans and a t-shirt, so I went in my pajamas.

I wanted to leave fast so I can ditch Axl before he woke up. But he put on his undershirt and jeans and zoomed out the door before me. I raced down the hall to get to the elevator, but he pushed me and got in and the doors closed.

I had to go down the stairs and almost tripped. I finally made it down and Axl got down at the same time. I looked over at the bar and there was one more chocolate chip muffin on the rack.

  I looked at Axl and he looked at me, and we went for it. I almost had it but I was so close, when he swooped in our of nowhere and snatched it. "No way!" I shouted. Mom and dad came and was there watching. "Mom! Axl took that muffin and it was clearly mine!" I felt like a 5 year old. I looked at Axl and felt angry. I had enough of it! I went over to Axl, and took a piece of the muffin and stuffed it in his face. "Casey!" oops, I was in trouble.

     I gave them a nervous smile when I turned around. They didn't look happy at all. "I'm sick and tired of you two fighting all the time!" my dad yelled. I looked around and everyone was staring at us.

  "Axl, your sister had to sleep on the couch last night because of you!", mom shouted. Suddenly I thought Axl was the one in trouble here. "Ha!" I sneered. "Your the one who's in trouble, not me!" I wish I hadn't.

  "No!" My mom stopped me. "Casey I thought you were the responsible one here, but I noticed that you've always been the one who fights back."

I was so embarrassed! Why does Axl like to ruin my life all the time! "Well, in my defense," I tried.  "Axl has done everything wrong that has caused me to pick these fights," I said pointing at Axl.

"Whatever" dad said, clearly no caring of what I have to say- as usual. "Get along or your grounded."

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