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   Today I'm moving from a junior in high school, to a senior! Well, I have to get through the summer first.

But still!!!!!

I'm graduating today and I can't wait. Mom and are going to be there along with a few friends.

As Axl and I get ready, mom walks in and sees Axl and doesn't look too happy. "Why are you wearing white socks?" she asks him.

  He looks at at his socks and shrugged. "Nobody ever wears white socks with black dress shoes! Change them," she said, then walked out. I broke down laughing and Axl shoved me.

   We got to the school before mom and dad did so we can get our spots. Axl sits next to me, since we have the same last name. The ceremony started soon. Mr Rockwell gave the introduction. "Welcome all friends and family, to this wonderful occasion of our class of 2013-2014 school year!", everyone clapped and he continued. "I would like to hand out the awards first, then the students will give their speeches", he said. "Let's get started with Hillary Brentwood, Brandon Crestview, Kayla Cruz, Axl and Casey Hudson,", we grabbed our awards and then I look over to the audience, and I see mom crying loudly. Axl heard and he looked embarrassed. After Mr Rockwell gave out all of the awards, he let us made our speeches. Hillary's was the longest and Axl slept through it.

It was soon my turn and I stood at the podium. "Ok, so first, I would like to thank my parents for helping me become who i am now and supporting me through tough times an-", Mr Rockwell interrupted me. "Sorry folks, but I had an idea, that Casey and her brother can do their speeches together", he said telling Axl to get up. He got up and started talking.

"So, let me tell you about my fraternal twin sister, Casey", he started. "She could be loud, Moody, obnoxious, annoying", I kicked him in the leg. "But she can also be sweet and kind to others, not me of course", he said. I shoved him over and continued. "Ok, well Axl can be worse, but sometimes I feel that he has to change, so I try to give him a second chance, and sometimes I feel that we aren't supposed to be twins because we are nothing alike, Yes he's my brother, and Yes I do love him and I know if something happens to me, he would be heartbroken. Except that time I got knocked out and got sent to the hospital", I quickly sat down.

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