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"Breath," I told myself. Then I slowly open the door. There I see my worst nightmare. My boyfriend was the person I trusted so much. On top of a girl making out like there was no tomorrow.

They didn't even notice I was there.

"Kang Taehyun!" I yelled( I am not in any way saying he would do this so pls don't come after me. I Stan TXT and I don't think this angel would ever do anything like this).

"It's not what it looks like" He tried to explain.

"Well, it looks like you're cheating on me with my own best friend!" I yell at him.

"Ara let me explain-" Taehyun said.

"Get out," I said while cutting him off. "I never want to see you again"

"Fine" He replied

I went to my best friend and slapped her "I thought you understood me but I guess not"

I saw my now ex-boyfriend pack up his stuff. He left. I felt my heart shattering into millions of pieces. The people I thought I could trust betrayed me. The warm salty tears slid down my face. I fell and curled myself up in to a tight ball. I don't how long I was like that just staring out into space remembering all the memories we made together.

"I have to go to school tomorrow," I mumbled to myself.

I got up went to my room and cried myself to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

When I woke up I felt empty. My whole world had shattered. I went to my bathroom to do the morning routine. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red from crying all night. I didn't care.

"Maybe I should call in sick today," I thought. "But this is going to be my life from now on so I better get used to it."

Author's note: I know this is short but this is what I came up with so deal with it. My brain was getting so many ideas today but I kept forgetting them. This is what came to my mind as I was about to fall asleep. Warning ⚠️ this is probably going to be cringy.
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