Chapter 3

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The words in apostrophes are thoughts

I jolted up to a sudden loud noise. I ripped off my blanket and rushed to my window to see what the cause of the sound was. I looked out the window in alarm to see nothing. I kept searching for what could have caused the noise but the search was fruitless. Eventually, I gave up and quietly walked to my bed and quietly laid down.

'My ears must have been playing tricks on me'

I gently drifted back to restless sleep wondering what might have happened.


I was annoyingly woken up by the sun shining on my face. I turned around and pulled the covers over my head refusing to lose the calm and blissful feeling of sleep.

30 minutes later

I lazily got up after fighting an intense battle to get back to sleep, sorry to inform you, I lost. I drowsily made my way to the bathroom, washed my face, and started to brush my teeth while checking my social media accounts. While I was brushing I got a text from my twin brother.

Spare Parts: Good Morning

Spare Parts: Are you ok? Have you been staying safe?

Spare Parts: And watch the news pls for your good

Ara: Yes I'm ok and yes I'm safe so stop worrying

Ara: And yes I'll watch the news more often now

Spare Parts: No good morning?

Ara: Good morning, I hope you have a pleasant day

Ara: Happy?

Spare Parts: Very and cut down on the sarcasm

Ara: Never

I turned off my phone, spat out the foam, and rinsed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom to hear the sound of the doorbell ringing. I clumsily walked down the stairs, as the drowsiness from sleep was still haunting me, and I almost tripped on the carpet but, to my surprise, I made it safely to the door. I went to open it and saw my idiot brother standing there.

"Hi" He mumbled.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have other places to be?" I questioned.

"Can't I meet my little sister?"

"Go away, Jake. And I'm only younger than you by two minutes." I snapped as went back inside

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me," He sighed as he entered and carefully closed the door behind him.

"What is there to talk about? I don't want to associate myself with what our family does, and I can't believe you hid it from me for so long."

"We had to hide it from you. It was the only option to keep you safe."

"Well, why did you get to know me before?"

"I'm older than you that's why."

"By like two minutes. That isn't that much."

"Can we switch the topic? I came here to live with you for a while."

"Why? You have your place."

"I do but I want to live with you for a while and I miss you."

"You? Miss me?"

"Yeah, you're my sister, of course, I miss you"

"Fine, you can stay here but only for a while," I mumbled as I rubbed my arm against my other elbow.

"Yeah yeah I didn't plan on staying here forever-" He was cut off by the doorbell.

'Oh thank god that was getting uncomfortable.'

"I'll go check who it is," I announced as I made my way to the door. I opened it and I was surprised to see Niki standing there.

"Oh, hi. You're up early." I noted.

"Uh yeah I couldn't get enough sleep last night," he replied cautiously.

"Same my sleep schedule is so messed up,"

"Hey, Ara, who are you talking to?" Jake asked while walking towards me and Niki.

"Oh, this is my new friend Niki" I answered

"Oh, so you can make friends," He teased.

"Of course I do," I snapped

"Ok, whatever. Hi, I'm Jake, Ara's brother," He introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Niki, as Ara told you,"

"So, what grade are you in? Where do you live? What do your parents do? Do you have a girlfriend?" Jake aggressively questioned.

"Jake, don't question hi-" I got cut off by Niki

"I'm in 12th grade, the same grade as Ara. I live next door. My parents own a business and no I don't have a girlfriend," He answered.

"Hmm, I like you kid," He exclaimed.

"Thanks, I guess"

"I hate to interrupt this bromance but Jake you should probably get your stuff from your house" I interrupted.

"Yeah Yeah I'll go get my stuff," He said as he left. "Don't do anything while I'm gone!"

"JAKE, JUST GO ALREADY"I yelled. He left while laughing so hard that I thought he might fall in the middle of walking.

"Yeah, sorry about him," I turned to Niki. "He's a little on the overprotective side."

"No, I understand with a sister like you he should be worried about guys with bad intentions," he stated nonchalantly "But he doesn't have to worry about me," he calmly boasted as he crossed his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes and went to the room my brother was going to be housed in. I looked around to see if I needed to prepare anything for him. Thankfully I didn't. I turned around and was startled by Niki standing right behind me.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you heard me walking behind you," he coyly mumbled

"Of course I didn't, you walk like a ninja," I accused.

"Sorry," He said while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"You should be, you scared me" I snapped. He chuckled at my childishness.

"Come follow me, I'll make you breakfast" I aggressively told him, as I left the bedroom and walked down the stair He again chuckled at me. This time a little more quietly.

I quickly walked downstairs and started to make my favorite breakfast, which was French toast. I got eggs, cinnamon, sugar, and bread. I got to my tippy toes to try to reach for a bowl, but my hand couldn't get to it. Niki laughed at my futile attempt as I again tried to attain the bowl.

"Do you want help?" He asked while guffawing.

"Of course I want help. Do you think I can reach that?" I exclaimed, annoyed that he took joy in my pain. I moved away from the cabinet so that he could get the bowl for me."While you're at it, can you also get the tray?"

"Sure," he said while laughing, not yet recovered from my failed attempt at doing a simple task. "Here you go"

I aggressively grabbed the items out of his hand, ignored him, and started making the dish.


Ding dong

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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