Chapter 2

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The words in apostrophes are thoughts.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. 

I groaned and turned it off. I barely got any sleep but rubbed my eyes and went to do my morning routine. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked like I had just pulled an all-nighter.

I got ready and wore my uniform. I look at myself in the mirror.

"You look good as always" I complimented myself.

I eat my breakfast which was (your favorite breakfast dish) and I walk to school.

As I was locking the door I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh you live in this neighborhood too" the voice chirped.

I turned around to see Ni-ki.

"Oh I guess we are next-door neighbors" I replied.

"Come on we need to get to school or else we'll get marked tardy"

We started to walk towards the school. While we walked we talked to each other about interests and soon we reached school. We entered and took out seats and kept talking to each other.

"Ok class listens up We have a math test Next Monday so be prepared" the teacher announced.

'Oh shit that's in 3 days I'm dead, I need to study'

Right then the school announcement rang.

"All students head to the Gym for an emergency assembly, I repeat all students to the Gym for an emergency assembly" it declared.

The teacher instructed us to calmly exit the classroom and head to the Gym. We all got up and headed to the Gym. The teacher told us to be quiet but still, slight murmurs could be heard. We were herded to the Gym like sheep. Once we got there we were all told to sit down on the bleachers.

"Listen kids there have been a couple of mysterious deaths in this area. We have been advised by the police force to stay at home and we have decided to close school for a week so the police can investigate this matter. All your assignments will be due when we come back. The test will also be postponed," The principal announced.

There was a large amount of cheer from the students mixed in with a couple of groans from the students who liked school.

'Thank god now I have time to procrastinate studying but what deaths?'

We were dismissed and headed out of the gym. I packed my stuff and was about to leave when Ni-ki came up behind me.

"Do you want to walk home together since we live close by?" he asked

"Sure" I nonchalantly replied.

We walked out the gates and started walking in the direction of our neighborhood. On the way, we asked each other questions like what our favorite color was or what we liked to do in our free time. By the time we got to our neighborhood, we hadn't realized the time pass by. Before we went inside I asked for his phone number and he gladly gave it to me. We bid goodbye and went inside our houses.

'But what deaths I haven't heard of any deaths' I thought as my mind went back to my earlier train of thought.

'But then again I don't pay attention to the news. I should probably start watching the news I thought as turned on the TV and switched it to the local news channel.

"There have now been 2 more deaths adding to the 3 other peculiar deaths which now make 5 deaths in this town these past 2 weeks. What could be the cause of these mystifying deaths? Is it gang activity or a violent murderous rampage? We'll keep you posted on the progress of the investigation." the Newscaster stated. 

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