Chapter 1

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It's been 3 months since I broke up with Taehyun. I am slowly starting to recover and trust people but not fully not yet. They're still together I see them walking down the hall in the school. I also made a couple of new friends and reconnected with some old ones, one of them is Heeseung, he's the one who helped me get through and help me be the friendly but bitchy when needed person I am.

Right now I'm in school waiting for the bell to ring. My first class is math which sucks like I can't do math first thing in the morning it makes my brain hurt. (I also have math first thing in the morning and it's terrible.)

"Hey, Ara, you can obsessively space out later, right now we need to get to class, or else we'll be late" Heeseung remarked breaking me out of my trance.

"I wasn't obsessively spacing out, just regular spacing out" I countered back

"Ok whatever let's just get to class."

Time Skip to class

"Good morning students," The teacher said, " today we have a new student joining us, he just transferred here from Japan."

A tall and handsome boy enters the room.

"Hi I am Nishimura Riki but you can call me Ni-ki," the boy said.

"How about you sit next to Miss. -Ara," the teacher said, "Miss.Y/N please raise your hand."

I did as I was told and Ni-ki takes his seat.

"Hi I am Ara," I said to him

"And you already know who I am" Ni-ki replied.

I give him genuine smile.' Why am I doing that?' He smiles back. He has such a pretty smile.

The class passes quickly I was about to leave but the teacher called me over.

"Ara can you please escort(?) Ni-ki around the school."

"Sure," I said.

"Ni-ki follows me I'll show you where everything is!" I exclaimed.

He nodded and silently followed me.

"This is the library," I remarked "which houses one of the biggest collections of books, this is the media center"

*Time Skip*

"And finally the cafeteria" I proclaimed, " I am so hungry. How about you sit with me and my friends for lunch."

"Sure" he beamed back.

I happily went to my table which included Heeseung, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Jungwon. I was friends with them before the incident but now our friendship has gotten stronger because of them. I couldn't be any happier.

"Hello, earth to Ara," Heeseung said snapping me out of my trance, "Who's your new friend?" he nodded at Ni-ki.

"Oh yeah everyone this is Ni-ki. He joined my class today and Ni-ki these are my friend Heeseung, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon," I introduced all of them to him.

"Hi" he shyly nodded

"Hi welcome to our school" everyone exclaimed enthusiastically.

I dug into my food. I was so hungry.

"Slow down" Sunghoon laughed, " you might choke."

I rolled my eyes and kept eating.

*Time Skip cause your author is lazy*

We all talked to each other about our interests so we could get to know each other. I lean red that Ni-ki can dance. I would love to see him dance one day. The school bell rings.

"Can you walk to class with me? I still don't know my way that well yet." Ni-ki quietly asked.

"Of Course" I replied

We walked to the classroom and sat in our seats.

"All right students today we'll be learning about the parts of the cell" the science teacher announced.

'Whoohoo. This again' I thought sarcastically. 'Haven't we already learned this in like 8th grade'

I space out for the rest of the class. Soon the bell rings. I started to get up.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you I do," the teacher snapped.

I slumped back into my seat and waited for her to dismiss us.

"You all are now dismissed" she exclaimed.

We all packed our stuff and as I was about to leave I told Ni-ki that it was a pleasure meeting him.

I walked to my home which was quite small but homey. I live by myself with the occasional visit from my brother. I went and freshen up and then cook for myself. And with that, my day ends.

Author's note: Sorry if this was boring but the story will get better I promise.
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